should i sign a lease with indemnification clause

should i sign a lease with indemnification clause

Rather than engage in that sort of indirect and counterintuitive risk allocation, Id rather make my risk allocation explicit. But that is a waste of words, akin to a restatement of contracts law. The provisions of this Section 17.2.2 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Lease. Gord: I just finished reading the Mobil case; thanks for bringing it to my attention. Isnt In addition to any other remedies available to the Disclosing Party, redundant? Landlord shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold Tenant, its (direct or indirect) owners, and their respective beneficiaries, trustees, officers, directors, employees and agents (including Tenant, the Tenant Parties) harmless from any Claim that is imposed or asserted by any third party and arises from any negligence, willful misconduct or breach of this Lease of or by any Landlord Party, except to the extent such Claim arises from any negligence, willful misconduct or breach of this Lease of or by any Tenant Party. Waiver and Indemnification Tenant waives all claims against Landlord, its Security Holders (defined in Section 17), Landlords managing agent(s), their (direct or indirect) owners, and the beneficiaries, trustees, officers, directors, employees and agents of each of the foregoing (including Landlord, the Landlord Parties) for (i) any damage to person or property (or resulting from the loss of use thereof), except to the extent such damage is caused by any negligence, willful misconduct or breach of this Lease of or by any Landlord Party, or (ii) any failure to prevent or control any criminal or otherwise wrongful conduct by any third party or to apprehend any third party who has engaged in such conduct. (That also raises the issue of whether to include those clauses about injunctions, but that is straying off topic.). By Alan M. Cohen, Esq. An indemnity clause, also known as an indemnification clause, is a standard waiver clause that states that one party won't hold the other liable for damages, losses, or costs associated with incurred legal issues. Donec posuere dolor massa, pellentesque aliquam nisl facilisis sed. Ensuring that any indemnity claim is the sole remedy and not in addition to any damages claim for breach of contract (in particular where a warranty is combined with an indemnity). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Executive shall also be entitled to indemnification rights, benefits and related expense advances and reimbursements to the same extent as any other director or officer of the Company or the REIT and to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law pursuant to an indemnification agreement, including tail coverage following termination of service (the Indemnification Agreement). Legally defined as, "to make reimbursement to one of a loss already incurred by him," an indemnity clause states that one party agrees to indemnify the other party, or absorb the losses caused by the other party. Robust legal foundations are key for any startup business, but happens when that business evolves? Learn how your comment data is processed. Perhaps the most important thing to know is the language and terminology of indemnification provisions. A random person accidentally sent me money through Inheritance executor decided to do the right thing Can I be legally liable if my kids die in a car accident? In most cases, defining the trigger should be straightforward. This gives a completely backwards meaning to indemnity, which typically means third-party claims against the parties, not party claims against third parties. To better protect themselves, the landlord should have included an indemnification provision. The Dangers of a Hold Harmless or Indemnification Agreement. And, perhaps, theyre thinking that in the case of indemnification, there are other legal and/or equitable remedies that would attach? Tenant Indemnification Tenant agrees to protect, indemnify, defend and save harmless Landlord, its members, managers, Affiliates, directors, officers, shareholders, agents and employees (the Landlord Indemnified Parties) from and against any and all foreseeable or unforeseeable liability, expense, loss, cost, deficiency, fine, penalty or damage (including consequential or punitive damages) of any kind or nature, including reasonable attorneys fees, from any third party suits, claims or demands, on account of any matter or thing, action or failure to act arising out of or in connection with Tenants occupancy of the Facility in accordance with this Lease, the Premises (arising after the Commencement Date) or the operations of Tenant on any portion of the Premises, including, without limitation, (a) the breach by Tenant of any of its representations, warranties, covenants or other obligations hereunder, (b) any Protest, (c) all Environmental Activities on any portion of the Premises by Tenant, Hazardous Materials Claims caused by Tenant or violations by Tenant of a Hazardous Materials Law with respect to any portion of the Premises (which occurred on or after the Commencement Date), and (d) upon or following the Termination Date, the correction of all deficiencies of a physical matter identified by and any liability assessed or asserted by, any governmental agency or Medicare or Medicaid providers as a result of or arising out or in connection with this Lease or the related change in ownership inspection and audit (including any overpayment to any Medicare, Medicaid or other third party payor). " the sellers undertake to pay to the buyer an amount equal to the amount which would be required to indemnify the buyer against (1) all actions losses, claims, damages expenses and liabilities suffered or incurred, and (2) all fines, compensation or remedial action or payments imposed on the company (a) following and arising out of claims or (This remedy would be in addition to any other contract claims.). If you've ever actually read the release that you sign when you go tubing or skiing, it is usually a risk shifting agreement. Frighteningly, a 100-page contract may contain only 1-2 paragraphs on indemnification provisions. Thanks, but Im not interested in putting myself at the mercy of a morass of caselaw. I'm going to give them a call to iron out the details. The trigger is linked to a breach of warranty: a warranty is a contractual promise which, if proved to be untrue, would entitle the party benefiting from it to bring a claim for damage, much in the same way as any other breach of contract. Daughter recorded having sex. Ill be providing alternatives, plus guidance as to the implications of certain of the alternatives, but its the drafter who will decide what goes in. Expenses and Indemnification (a) The Fund shall upon demand either, as the Purchaser may require, pay in the first instance or reimburse the Purchaser (to the extent that payments for the following items are not made under the other provisions hereof) for all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses (including reasonable fees and costs of outside counsel, and reasonable consulting, accounting, appraisal, investment banking, and similar professional fees and charges) incurred by the Purchaser in connection with the enforcement of or preservation of rights under this Agreement. First, it allows you to replace a regime of contract claims with something more customized. The words defend, hold harmless, and indemnify must be included in an indemnification clause. But the most important point I take away from this discussion is that when you have three alternative ways of articulating an idea and none of them is perfect, it might be best to let the drafter choose. Lease. Many of them are unwilling (read unable) to explain why. Lessee's obligations shall include, but not be limited to, the effects of any contamination or injury to person, property or the environment created or suffered by Lessee, and the cost of investigation, removal, remediation, restoration and/or abatement, and shall survive the expiration or termination of this Lease. This is perfectly legal; however, the contractor can likewise propose an indemnification provision that deems just the opposite: that all injuries resulting from malfunctioning building structures will be the responsibility of the business owner, not the construction company. An attorney will be of great assistance in identifying the legal jargon of indemnification. So its a matter of language, not elements of the claim. Landlord Indemnification Landlord hereby indemnifies, defends and holds Tenant harmless from and against any and all Losses actually suffered or incurred by Tenant as the sole and direct result of any negligent, willful or intentional acts or omissions of any or all of Landlord, Agent and any parties within the direct and sole control of either or both of Landlord and Agent. You truly need to have a consultation with a business law attorney to help you make a decision on this. HIPAA Confidentiality Agreement . Second, the party against whom indemnification is sought. An indemnification clause basically transfers risk from one party to another. You may sometimes see an indemnity clause referred to as a hold harmless clause or an indemnity and hold harmless clause. We pickup maybe 50 machines every year, repair them, and drop them back off. Your submission has been received! For example, where a supplier manufactures a complex component to a customers specifications, there may be some doubt as to whether the trigger occurred due to poor workmanship, or materials, or an error in the customers specifications. Extensive writings. Obviously, not just anybody can impose their legal issues onto another party to side-step liability. First, it allows you to replace a regime of contract claims with something more customized. In other words, the Limitation of Liability language (not discussed in this post) will temper the breach claim down to direct and actual damages. Beginning and expiration date of the lease. If the Disclosing Party incurs any loss or liability arising out of disclosure or use of any Confidential Information by any one or more Representatives of the Recipient other than as authorized in this agreement, that disclosure or use will be deemed to have been by the Recipient for purposes of determining whether the Recipient breached any of its obligations under this agreement. Indemnification provisions often are one of the mostly heavily negotiated terms in a contract, and they can . Something went wrong while submitting the form. So heres an alternative I came up with, with the input of Koncision editorial board member Chris Lemens: Unauthorized Disclosure or Use by Representatives. @Adrian: I think its dangerous to assume that indemnification doesnt give any broader rights than a breach of contract claim. Sample 1 Sample 2 Lease Indemnification. Suspicion of indemnification can perhaps be attributed in part to the tendency to see all sorts of doctrinal significance in what are in fact straightforward contract notions. Second, indemnification can help a party . That an indemnity clause has advantages over a claim for damages such that if they can be used, they should be used. There's nothing illegal, and if you want business advice you should look into a real attorney. For example, indemnification can help a party more likely to be subject to a claim by allowing it to specify time limits for bringing claims and put caps on liability. (i) subject to and upon the terms and conditions of this agreement, the corporation shall indemnify and hold harmless the indemnified party in respect of any and all costs, claims, losses, damages and expenses which may be incurred or suffered by the indemnified party as a result of or arising out of prosecuting, defending, settling or An indemnity clause is a promise by one party (the indemnifying party) to be responsible for and cover the loss of the other party (the indemnified party) in circumstances where it would be unfair for the indemnified party to bear the loss. Whether a claim under an indemnity would be treated as a debt claim depends on how it has been drafted: if the indemnity provides for recovery of a specific or calculable amount or a specific type of loss (i.e. And there are no hidden subtleties, in that the word indemnification, and the verb indemnify, dont convey any hidden magic-word meanings. With Indemnity 7. If youre not sure whether your agreement includes language on indemnification, always assume that it does. Indemnification can be helpful in two ways. Your Indemnity Obligation. Only B is going to seek specific performance as to the indemnification clause. Contract Clauses, Dispute Resolution, Indemnification. Depending on the context, third party indemnities are generally acceptable (for example, indemnities for third party intellectual property infringement claims in the context of software development agreements, and indemnities for third party claims for personal injury or damage to property, in the context of manufacturing and construction agreements). - That we need to hold liability insurance protecting against said claims with limits no less than 2 million. In most states, a valid lease document needs to have the following legal requirements: Type of property. My previous blog post was prompted by a confidentiality-agreement issuewhats the best way to protect the disclosing party against losses caused by unauthorized disclosure by representatives of the recipient? As a pretty small business, I'm a little hesitant to sign this. I had pretty much opted for indemnification, but among those that Ive consulted that has proved an unpopular choice, to an extent that has surprised me. The perceived advantages of indemnities include: If an indemnity clause can be drafted in such a way that the above advantages can be achieved, then you might wonder why parties dont insist on inter-party indemnities all the time. Its strongly encouraged that business ownerswhether small, mid-sized, or largehave a complete understanding of indemnification provisions before signing any sort of binding contract with another business or 3rd party. !function(e,t,n,s,u,a){e.twq||(s=e.twq=function(){s.exe?s.exe.apply(s,arguments):s.queue.push(arguments); By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Indemnity agreements can be a simple one-page agreement, a long complicated contract . It means (in part) that if they are sued by someone for something you did, that you have to pay their for their lawyers and all their legal fees. Over centuries, the courts have developed rules for assessing such claims to achieve a fair result based on the facts, taking into account whether any loss or damage was reasonably foreseeable (i.e. A breach of warranty does not generally give a party the right to. They've added an insurance and indemnification clause that says: - We shall defend, indemnify and hold them free and harmless from any and all claims, damages, and so forth. Indemnity clauses are most commonly misused for two reasons: That if a risk is not covered by an indemnity, a party will not have adequate means of recovering its loss if the risk materialises. Indemnities 2. Indemnities are often the one clause that a customer really wants to have and a supplier really doesnt want to give; so much time (and money) is spent negotiating them, often in circumstances where its inappropriate for them to be used in the first place. Tenants Indemnification Tenant shall indemnify, defend and save harmless Landlord from and against all liability, judgments, claims, demands, suits, actions, losses, penalties, fines, damages, costs and expenses, including attorneys fees, of any kind or nature whatsoever, due to or arising out of or from any breach, violation or non-performance of any covenant, condition, provision or agreement in this Lease set forth and contained on the part of Tenant to be fulfilled, kept, observed and performed, and claims of every kind or nature, arising out of the use and occupation of the Demised Premises by Tenant, including, without limitation, any damage to property occasioned by or arising from the use and occupation thereof by Tenant or by any sublessee, subtenant or assignee of Tenant, any injury to any person or person, including death resulting at anytime therefrom, occurring in or about the Demised Premises or the sidewalks in front of the same or adjacent thereto. 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should i sign a lease with indemnification clause