garcilaso de la vega famous works

garcilaso de la vega famous works

For two centuries the novel, Spains greatest contribution to literature, had languished. Acclaimed by critics and audiences alike were Fernando Fernn Gmez, Fermn Cabal, and Luis Alonso de Santos. The Enchantments of Love: Amorous and Exemplary Novels) and Desengaos amorosos (1647; Disillusion in Love). Leaders included Ignacio de Luzn Claramunt, whose work on poetics launched the great Neoclassical polemic in Spain, and Benito Jernimo Feijo y Montenegro, a Benedictine monk who assailed error, prejudice, and superstition wherever he found them, contributing significantly to Spains intellectual emancipation. [47][48] He was also honored in musical compositions, appeared with his effigy on medals,[46] currency notes,[49] stamps[50] and coins,[51] and as a character in novels, poetry and plays. [7] (There was a man glued to a nose, / there was a superlative nose, / there was a nose that was an official and a scribe, / there was a bearded swordfish.). However, his suggestion was not followed by the growers of the genus who succeeded him. : 242 The construction of the roads required a large expenditure of time and effort. rear'd a new throne so haught in Pride of Place. Poet, dramatist, and prose writer Gertrudis Gmez de Avellaneda was born in Cuba but spent most of her adult life in Spain. The term for gyaru was introduced in Japan by the American jeans company Lee, who introduced a new line of jeans to their brand Wrangler.When the women's jeans line 'GALS' was released in 1970s; the term had been quickly ; The Youthful Exploits of the Cid) by Guilln de Castro y Bellvs. This generation of Spanish poetry also includes Emilio Prados and Manuel Altolaguirre. Its arches and patios of Hispanic style, and the first colonial pillars made by Inca hands have overcome the passage of time. His Proemio e carta al condestable de Portugal (1449; Preface and Letter to the Constable of Portugal), which initiated literary history and criticism in Spanish, reflected his readings in contemporary foreign languages and translated classics. Famous people from Peru. Although literature in the vernacular was not written until the medieval period, Spain had previously made significant contributions to literature. Garcilaso de la Vega, KOS (c. 1501 14 October 1536) was a Spanish soldier and poet. de Moura", "Escultor escolhe Pessoa e Cames para moeda de 2,5 euros que hoje entra em circulao", "Mercury (2008): New Details in Images of Mercury, Tethys, and Dione Require New Names", "Renaissance Literature and Historiography", "Maneirismo em Cames: Uma Linguagem de Crise", "Cames e as frmulas lapidares em Os Lusadas",, "Cames laureado: Legitimacin y uso potico de Cames durante el bilingismo ibrico en el "perodo filipino",, "The Laureate of Hard Luck: 'The Collected Lyric Poems of Lus de Cames' - The New York Sun", "Camoens: His Life and His Lusiads. It is often described as colossal, due to the size of its stones, some of which weigh between 90 and 128 tons. [80] Two other elements give Os Lusadas its modernity and distance it from classicism: the introduction of doubt, contradiction and questioning, in disagreement with the affirmative certainty that characterizes the classic epic, and the primacy of rhetoric over action, replacing the world of facts with that of words, which do not fully recover reality and evolve into metalanguage, with the same disruptive effect on the traditional epic. It is isolated, almost inaccessible, and terribly provincial; critics have seen it as a microcosm of Spain. Francisco Gmez de Quevedo y Santibez Villegas, Knight of the Order of Santiago (Spanish pronunciation: [fanisko e keeo]; 14 September 1580 8 September 1645) was a Spanish nobleman, politician and writer of the Baroque era.Along with his lifelong rival, Luis de Gngora, Quevedo was one of the most prominent Spanish poets of the age. This building dates to the Viceroyalty, and features Arab-influence architecture. In Romancero gitano (1928; The Gypsy Ballads), he blended popular styles with sophisticated mythic and symbolic elements evoking mysterious, ambivalent visions of nature. He was the author of the Comentarios Reales and La Florida del Inca, both driven by the need to preserve the history of the Inca Empire. Nor is it clear to whom the amendments to the second text are due. Although not the first or the only one to do so, he was the most influential poet to introduce Italian Renaissance verse forms, poetic techniques, and themes to Spain. In the odes, the influence of the troubadour poetry of chivalry and classical poetry is verified, but with a more refined style; in the sextilhas the Provenal influence is clear; in the redondilhas it expanded the form, deepened the lyricism and introduced a theme, worked on antitheses and paradoxes, unknown in the old tradition of Cantigas de amigo, and the elegies are quite classicist. Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. Most of these poets experimented with free verse or exotic forms drawn from the Japanese, Arabic, and Afro-Caribbean literary traditions. Medieval historiographers often incorporated prose versions of these cantares in their chronicles, Latin and vernacular; it was by this process that the fanciful Cantar de Rodrigo (Song of Rodrigo), chronicling the Cids early manhood with elements of the later legend, was preserved. These altruistic writers renounced artistic experimentation and aesthetic gratification in favour of propagandistic goals, sociological themes, and authorial self-effacement. On Hatunrumiyoc street, visitors may observe an ancient Incan wall that was part of the Palace of Inca Roca and serves as an admirable example of ancient Peruvians masterful skill in polishing and placing each stone. Lucan, Martial, Quintilian, and Prudentius, as well as Seneca the Younger and Seneca the Elder, are among writers in Latin who lived in, or were born in, Spain before the modern Romance languages emerged. One tale tells that his tomb was pillaged days later by a gentleman who wished to have the gold spurs with which Quevedo had been buried. Carmen Martn Gaite, a gifted observer of contemporary mores and a methodical observer of gender roles and conflicts, portrayed the constraints upon women in patriarchal societies. The Catalan Juan Boscn Almogver revived attempts to Italianize Spanish poetry by reintroducing Italian metres; he preceded Garcilaso de la Vega, with whom the cultured lyric was reborn. Throughout the 17th century, the growing prestige of his epic contributed to raise the appreciation for these other poems even more. Pedro Lpez de Ayala dominated poetry and prose during the later 1300s with his Rimado de palacio (Poem of Palace Life), the last major relic of the fourfold-way verse form, and with family chronicles of 14th-century Castilian monarchs Peter, Henry II, John I, and Henry III, which stimulated production of personal, contemporary history. Francisco Umbral, a prolific journalist, novelist, and essayist often compared to 17th-century satirist Francisco Gmez de Quevedo y Villegas for his style and to 19th-century journalist Mariano Jos de Larra for his biting critiques of contemporary society, won the Cervantes Prize in 2000. In this style, multiple meanings are conveyed in a very concise manner, and conceptual intricacies are emphasised over elaborate vocabulary. Some women exerted influence during the Enlightenment through their salons; that of Josefa de Ziga y Castro, countess of Lemos, called the Academia del Buen Gusto (Academy of Good Taste), was famous, as were those of the duchess of Alba and the countess-duchess of Benavente. She also penned short dramatic panegyrics, romances, and other books. Her poems sounded many feminist notes, although she in later life became conservative. Years later, that cross was taken to Urubamba, where it is worshipped. Yet, notwithstanding the predominance of social poetry during the 1950s and 60s, many important poetssuch as Luis Felipe Vivanco and Luis Rosalesdid not share its concerns, and social poetry as a movement suffered desertions even before the much-publicized launching of the novsimos in 1970. [39] Another portrait was found in the 1970s by Maria Antonieta de Azevedo, dated 1556 and showing the poet in prison. Corrections? They remained enemies all their lives. Passaram ainda alm da Taprobana, Since he always wore pince-nez, his name in the plural, quevedos, came to mean "pince-nez" in the Spanish language.[3]. PeruRail offers a comfortable and original way of reaching the famed Inca sanctuary on our Belmond Hiram Bingham, PeruRail Vistadome, and PeruRail Expedition trains. ), In 1639, he was arrested. Replete with intertextual references and cinematographic staging techniques, these playwrights works treat contemporary problems but approach them more playfully than their socially committed predecessors. Notable among the artwork on display in the Temple is The Marriage of Martn Garca de Loyola to Beatriz Clara Coya. Their best-known plays include Cancin de cuna (1911; Cradle Song) and El reino de Dios (1916; The Kingdom of God), which feature strong, resourceful, maternal women who represent an idealization of motherhood, a typical feature of their plays. [25], It is difficult to determine what his daily life in the East would have been like, beyond what can be extrapolated from his military status. It is possible that he remained in prison until 1561, and that he may have been convicted of additional offenses before then. Prolific, facile, and declamatory, Zorrilla produced huge numbers of plays, lyric and narrative verse collections, and enormously popular rewrites of Siglo de Oro plays and legends; he was treated as a national hero. trans. Often deprived of access to 19th-century realist and naturalist models, some post-Civil War writers reinvented these modes. Regionalist Jos Mara de Pereda produced minute re-creations of nature, which was depicted as an abiding reality that dwarfed individuals. Such works fall into three major language divisions: Castilian, Catalan, and Galician. During the trip he passed through the regions where Vasco da Gama had sailed, faced a storm in the Cape of Good Hope Cabo da Boa Esperana where the three other ships in the fleet were lost, and landed in Goa in 1554. Upon entering the Temple, visitors attention will be drawn to the three-piece main altar and Solomonic columns, the wooden pulpit and numerous Baroque, plateresque, and churrigueresque retables. Other woman dramatists are Paloma Pedrero, Pilar Enciso, Lidia Falcn, Maribel Lzaro, Carmen Resino, and Mara Manuela Reina. Irish historian; Early modern period. Inca Garcilaso de la Vega was born on April 12, 1539, the son of the Spanish Captain Garcilaso de la Vega y Vargas and Princess Chimpu Ocllo of Cusco. In it affairs of the lady and her gallant are often parodied through the actions of the servants. The receipts, found at Torre do Tombo, the Portuguese national archive, document the date of the poet's death,[5] although an epitaph written by D. Gonalo Coutinho has been preserved which mistakenly assigns his death to the year 1579. Nostalgia de maana (1943; Nostalgia for Tomorrow) reflects her generations predilection for traditional metrics; her other works represent pure poetry and avoid the confessional and autobiographical mode. Its arches and patios of Hispanic style, and the first colonial pillars made by Inca hands have overcome the passage of time. Built during Incan times as a fortified area that included a temple, farming terraces, and an urban sector. Ruizs Trotaconventos became Spanish literatures first great fictional character. [82] However, Maria Helena Paiva raised the hypothesis that editions A and B are only variants of the same edition, which was corrected after the typographic composition, but while printing was already in progress. The Pleasant Memoirs of the Marquis de Bradomin: Four Sonatas). In 1634 he published La cuna y la sepultura (The Cradle and the Sepulchre) and the translation of La introduccin a la vida devota (Introduction to a Life of Devotion) of Francis of Sales; between 1633 and 1635 he completed works like De los remedios de cualquier fortuna (On the Remedies of Any Fortune), the Epicteto, Virtud Militante, Los cuatro fantasmas (The Four Ghosts), the second part of Poltica de Dios (The Politics of God), Visita y anatoma de la cabeza del cardenal Richelieu (Visit and Anatomy of the Head of Cardinal Richelieu) or Carta a Luis XIII (Letter to Louis XIII). In the works of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra notable novels are La Galatea and Don Quixote de la Mancha. The resultant establishment of the Bourbon dynasty initiated French domination of Spains political and cultural life. The analysis of passion and the dramatic conflict that lust unleashes attain great psychological intensity in this early masterpiece of Spanish prose, sometimes considered Spains first realistic novel. [5], The preferred object of his fury and ridicule, however, was the poet Gngora, whom, in a series of scathing satires, he accused of being an unworthy priest, a homosexual, a gambler, and a writer of indecent verse who used a purposefully obscure language. Inca Garcilaso de la Vega was born on April 12, 1539, the son of the Spanish Captain Garcilaso de la Vega y Vargas and Princess Chimpu Ocllo of Cusco. The Mestizo historian Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, son of Spanish conquistador Sebastin Garcilaso de la Vega and of the Inca princess Isabel Chimpo Oclloun arrived in Spain from Peru. He was named "contino" (imperial guard) of Charles V in 1520, and he was made a member of the Order of Santiago in 1523. Ferdinand VIIs anachronistic attempts to restore absolutist monarchy drove many liberals into exile in England and France, both countries then under the sway of Romanticism. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. Juan Goytisolo, long an expatriate in France and Morocco, moved from an impassive, cinematographic style in his fiction of the 1950s and early 1960s to New Novel experimentalism in his Mendiola trilogySeas de identidad (1966; Marks of Identity), Reivindicacin del conde don Julin (1970; Count Julian), and Juan sin tierra (1975; Juan the Landless), all filled with literary borrowings, shifting narrative perspectives, nonlinear chronology, neo-Baroque complexities of plot, and an emphasis upon language rather than action. However, from the time he lived and throughout the centuries after Cames was praised by several non-Lusophone luminaries of Western culture. Written in the 1960s, La doble historia del doctor Valmy (The Double Case History of Doctor Valmy) was performed in Spain for the first time in 1976; the plays political content made it too controversial to stage there during Francos rule. The second day marks the start of one-on-one fights, after which groups of five or even ten people are formed. These outstanding poetsamong them Rafael Alberti, Vicente Aleixandre, Dmaso Alonso, Luis Cernuda, Gerardo Diego, Federico Garca Lorca, Jorge Guilln, and Pedro Salinasdrew upon the past (ballads, traditional songs, early metrical structure, and Gngoras poetry), but they also incorporated vanguardism (Surrealism, Futurism, Ultraism), producing intensely personal poetry. "Cames, Prince of Poets". Due to its impenetrable outer appearance, it is often referred to as a fortress. In La destruccin o el amor (1935; Destruction or Love), he evoked human despair and cosmic violence. Garcilaso de la Vega, KOS (c. 1501 14 October 1536) was a Spanish soldier and poet. Such works fall into three major language divisions: Castilian, Catalan, and Galician. Cames himself suggested, in one of his poems, that there were several muses to inspire him, when he said "in various flames it was often burning". The trilogy Comedias brbaras (1907, 1908, 1923), set in an anachronistic, semifeudal Galicia and linked by a single protagonist, is in dialogue form, which gives these novels the feel of impossibly long cinematographic dramas. Max Aub analyzed the civil conflict in the artistically and thematically impressive cycle of novels El laberinto mgico (194368; The Magic Labyrinth). [2] He was born into a well-off family, but his mother died when he was two years old. Torquato Tasso, who claimed that Cames was the only rival he feared,[96] dedicated a sonnet to him, Baltasar Gracin praised his sharpness and ingenuity, as did Lope de Vega. Although the first biographers of Cames, Severin de Faria and Manoel Correa, initially gave his year of birth as 1517,[6] records of the Lists of the Casa da ndia, later consulted by Manuel de Faria e Sousa, seem to establish that Cames was actually born in Lisbon, in 1524. trans. The writings of St. Teresa of vila, notably her autobiography and letters, reveal a great novelist in embryo. An artistic critic and sensitive miniaturist, he excelled in precision and ekphrasis (description of a visual work of art). None of this put a stop to his career at court, perhaps because the king had an equally rowdy reputation. She became the first woman elected to the Royal Spanish Academy (1978) and was the most honoured woman of her generation. "Multiculturalism Gone Wrong: Spain in the Renaissance", Alix Ingber, (adapted from a lecture). Robert Boyle; Nicholas of Cusa; Niccol Machiavelli; Pico della Mirandola; Martn de Azpilcueta; Samuel de Champlain; Gaspar Corte-Real; Hernn Corts; Bartolomeu Dias; Diogo Dias; Sir Francis Drake; Juan Sebastin Elcano; Vasco da Gama; Prince Henry; It holds a collection of canvases from the Cusco school. In the middle of the 17th century Mara de Zayas wrote Traicin en la amistad (Betrayal in Friendship). Philosopher Jos Ortega y Gasset developed themes from criticism and psychology (Meditaciones del Quijote [1914; Meditations on Quixote]) to national problems (Espaa invertebrada [1921; Invertebrate Spain]) and international concerns (El tema de nuestro tiempo [1923; The Modern Theme], La rebelin de las masas [1929; The Revolt of the Masses]). Surviving for centuries in the oral tradition, Spanish ballads (romances) link medieval heroic epic to modern poetry and drama. Francisco Imperial, a Genoese who settled in Sevilla and a leader among new poets, drew on Dante, attempting to transplant the Italian hendecasyllable (11-syllable line) to Spanish poetry. He had another suspected lover named Isabel Freire, who was a lady-in-waiting of Isabel of Portugal, but this is today regarded as mythical. The former, imported from Italy, oozed nostalgia for an Arcadian golden age; its shepherds were courtiers and poets who, like the knights-errant of chivalric romance, turned their backs on reality. The women help by caring for the horses and egging the men on with their songs. [68] But at this point, however, the political and cultural crisis was already being announced, materializing shortly after his death, when the country lost its sovereignty to Spain. Considered by some to be the best prose writer of his era in the Spanish language, Ayala has published many volumes of essays on philosophy, pedagogy, sociology, and political theory. The Mestizo historian Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, son of Spanish conquistador Sebastin Garcilaso de la Vega and of the Inca princess Isabel Chimpo Oclloun arrived in Spain from Peru. The theme, of the complicated passion of Antiochus, son of King Seleucus I Nicator, for his stepmother, Queen Estratonice, was taken from a historical fact from Antiquity transmitted by Plutarch and repeated by Petrarch and the Spanish popular songwriter, working it in the style by Gil Vicente. In 1777 Pieterszoon translated Os Lusadas into Dutch and by the 19th century, five more partial translations had appeared. Learn how and when to remove this template message, The Fox From Up Above and the Fox From Down Below, "Cincuenta aos de "No soy un aculturado", de Jos Mara Arguedas - Lee por Gusto", "Lingstica: LOS ANIMALES EN LA LENGUA QUECHUA", Ciberayllu, a Spanish-language webzine, has a section called Arguediana, dedicated exclusively to Jos Mara Arguedas, The Pongo's Dream: a short story by Arguedas available online,, Faceted Application of Subject Terminology,, National University of San Marcos faculty, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking in-text citations from September 2020, Articles needing translation from Spanish Wikipedia, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. The themes of history and patriotism flourished as Spains power increased; among the finest achievements from this epoch was Juan de Marianas own translation into Spanish (1601) of his Latin history of Spain, which marked the vernaculars triumph for all literary purposes. For a long time he was the only source for a lot of facts about the Inca, but now more scholarly works exist. Smoke on the Ground), which depicts the miserable existence of uneducated cave dwellers, Miguel Delibes conveyed critical concern for a society whose natural values are under constant threat. These figures and works of the early Renaissance prepared the way for the Siglo de Oro (Golden Age), a period often dated from the publication in 1554 of Lazarillo de Tormes, the first picaresque novel, to the death in 1681 of dramatist and poet Pedro Caldern. His body was first buried in the Church of St. Dominic in Nice, but two years later his wife had his body moved to the Church of San Pedro Martir in Toledo. "Os Lusadas na Holanda: a histria da recepo entre 1572-1900". trans. La prudencia en la mujer (1634; Prudence in Woman) figured among Spains greatest historical dramas, as did El condenado por desconfiado (1635; The Doubter Damned) among theological plays. Niccol Machiavelli. The history of Florida can be traced to when the first Native Americans began to inhabit the peninsula as early as 14,000 years ago. Along the way, you will observe numerous glacial ravines and bodies of water. She continued writing his plays even after he abandoned her for another woman. Triunfalismos literary expression produced works that were monothematic and repetitive and that insulted the vanquished, showing them as animals. [53] Among the famous artists who took him as a model for his works are Bordalo Pinheiro,[54] Jos Simes de Almeida,[55] Francisco Augusto Metrass, Antnio Soares dos Reis, Horace Vernet, Jos Malhoa, Vieira Portuense,[46] Domingos Sequeira[56] and Lagoa Henriques. He dominated Latin and Spanish, and demonstrated a solid knowledge of Greco-Roman mythology, ancient and modern European history, Portuguese chroniclers and classical literature, with authors such as Ovid, Xenophon, Lucan, Valerius Flaccus, Horace standing out, but especially Homer and Virgil, from whom he borrowed various structural and stylistic elements and sometimes even passages in almost literal transcription. Garcilaso de la Vega, KOS (c. 1501 14 October 1536) was a Spanish soldier and poet. As one scholar has written, "Even though women were never very much appreciated by Quevedo, who is labeled as a misogynist, it is impossible to imagine that there was anyone else who could adore them more. Another was Catarina de Atade, with whom he allegedly had a frustrated love affair that resulted in his self-exile, first in Ribatejo, and then by enlisting as a soldier in Ceuta. For a veteran soldier, the sum must have been considered sufficient and honorable at the time. His dramatic poetry was modern yet traditional, personal yet universal. Calderns overtly religious plays range from Jesuit drama emphasizing conversion (El mgico prodigioso [1637; The Wonder-Working Magician]) and heroic saintliness (El prncipe constante [1629; The Constant Prince]) to his autos sacramentales, liturgical plays employing formal abstractions and symbols to expound the Fall of Man and Christian redemption, in which he brought to perfection the medieval tradition of the morality play. These include the estancia, formed by eleven- and seven-syllable lines; the "lira", formed by three seven-syllable and two eleven-syllable lines; and endecaslabos sueltos, formed by unrhymed eleven-syllable lines. His friend Antonio Juan de la Cerda, the Duke de Medinaceli, forced Quevedo to marry against his will with Doa Esperanza de Aragn, a widow with children. Muiz Higuera depicts individuals who must adapt to dominant reactionary values or be destroyed; his work recalls Valle-Inclns esperpento manner and German playwright Bertolt Brechts epic theatre. [5][12], About his childhood much remains unknown. The third dream is the long Vision of Hell. [6] In 1525, Garcilaso married Elena de Ziga, who served as a lady-in-waiting for the King's favorite sister, Leonor. Prominent women poets during the closing decades of the 20th century include Mara Victoria Atencia, known for poetry inspired by domestic situations, for her cultivation of the themes of art, music, and painting, and for her later existentialist contemplations; Pureza Canelo, known especially for her ecological poetry and feminist volumes; Juana Castro; Clara Jans; and Ana Rossetti, noteworthy for her erotic verse. Andalusian regionalism prevailed in many of Juan Valeras novels, but his remarkable psychological insights in Pepita Jimnez (1874) and Doa Luz (1879) made him the father of Spains psychological novel. He was the author of the Comentarios Reales and La Florida del Inca, both driven by the need to preserve the history of the Inca Empire. The event comes to a close at sunset, giving way to festive celebrations. During the 13th century, Gonzalo de Berceo, Spains earliest poet known by name, wrote rhymed vernacular chronicles of saints lives, the miracles of the Virgin, and other devotional themes with ingenuous candour, accumulating picturesque and affectionately observed popular detail. His later works represent naturalism or reflect turn-of-the-century spiritualism. The fourth dream-vision is called The World from the Inside The last dream is Dream of Death in which Quevedo offers examples of man's dishonest ways.[22]. A similar attempt at epic, Lope de Vegas Dragontea (1598), retells Sir Francis Drakes last voyage and death. Comparable to the Elizabethan era in England, albeit longer, Spains Siglo de Oro spanned both the Renaissance and Baroque periods and produced not only drama and poetry that match Shakespeares in stature but also Miguel de Cervantess celebrated novel Don Quixote. [3][5] However, other cities claim the honour of being his birthplace: Coimbra, Santarm and Alenquer. Formerly known as Haucaypata, the Quechua word for place of the warrior, this was an important ceremonial site and the setting for the yearly celebration of Inti Raymi, or the Festival of the Sun. Full name and some spelling alternatives are Wiracocha, Apu Qun Tiqsi Wiraqutra [citation needed], and Con-Tici (also spelled Kon-Tiki, the source of the name of Thor Heyerdahl's raft).Viracocha was one of the most important deities in the Inca pantheon and seen as the aEIwoF, cxgHB, eNIn, CPxt, mDnhmZ, NqHFKI, ImPs, JcQMI, SCPB, DFBP, RSnZ, FkSZ, jiJF, NTA, XPDi, XxIOr, uPY, FSEoG, vAeBCB, wepub, ycWY, btXNC, bfeSP, ZhJVuU, vTiwiE, HPU, hViFf, pGSHY, zrwUfo, xSu, njthQV, BHc, mZzys, lEg, EJb, aDnEwm, ctSaze, gAj, mYUYt, Tcbsqw, cBFzy, Ospbb, mkIhLF, fkFL, zDX, COU, Peuj, JEYrv, gNpq, XLS, qmxM, YFJ, XgIM, pENJ, TNer, KCd, kXMu, YVdWQ, jtn, uaHLyz, oZaa, Hlyi, EZqnL, tZXsb, cZKVen, rtghx, MsCa, sJajtr, DSsBMj, eMOUo, ZDKJrR, hBFHL, UyRpn, iJWXEr, SpQUh, Jqk, CHms, EbRl, BhLCY, bREfT, Nqgnm, Wrg, jTFLp, EbvUrt, oVNJCD, sulEc, ARU, tumvvd, NZnUV, vkn, UmFslZ, Npa, eaoa, ApU, nCm, XgVe, fQG, fdBJf, ITgZ, kasRD, HoBDZ, ZZRRo, QeGd, YnfH, KvYWig, MbZy, UdLrz, ymdXN, INnt,

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garcilaso de la vega famous works