why was the fairey swordfish so successful

why was the fairey swordfish so successful

By 1943 Swordfish might have been obsolete as a torpedo strike aircraft, but as a U-Boat killer it was proving very successful. Initially, Swordfishes operated from the large fleet carriers. A private venture by the Fairey Aircraft Company, like many British naval aircraft of the time, it was intended to fulfil a bewildering and sometimes contradictory range of roles, from spotting and reconnaissance to dive bombing and torpedo attack. The latter were converted merchant ships with a short flight deck but no hangar, the aircraft remaining lashed to the deck in all weathers. If Fairey made the Swordfish, his firm also made the disastrous Battle, a light bomber entirely unsuited to anything the Army needed when war broke out in 1939. Craig, if youre reading this you may remember the day in 1964 when I sat on your model of a Fairey Swordfish at your mums house in Hartlepool. Which, for a fish, is pretty darn impressive. This is not a business history in a conventional sense: there is not a single table of statistics to give some proper sense of production runs, financial performance, the size of the labour force, or measures of productivity. Fairey Swordfish. I have managed to buy a vacuform Swordfish from Combat Models thanks to a response from my earlier post. The prototype PV made its first flight on 21 March 1933. Finally it considers the significance of two battles of WW2 and why their present-day recognition is . Indeed, in combat with superior German fighter aircraft equipped with cannon, the flimsy fabric-covered superstructure proved advantageous, as cannon shells could pass straight through without exploding. More than 2,000 of all variants were built, and the last operational squadron was not disbanded until May 1945. Postal P Ramsey. Fairey Swordfish, Albacore, & Barracuda. The rugged biplanes proved perfectly capable of standing up to the abuse, remaining in production until August 1944. Racks under the wings for eight 3-inch rockets. Initially, Swordfishes operated from the large fleet carriers. The government, now with a more visionary Admiralty, canceled battleship building and ordered the construction of modern carriers, 17 of which would enter service beginning in 1940. The operation was a huge success three battleships were severely damaged, a cruiser and two destroyers . This aircraft, a "Blackfish" built by Blackburn Aircraft at . All Listings. But there were occasions seeing the real thing ambling across the sky when the RN Historic Flight appeared at Biggin Hill and other air shows. The biplane wing had ailerons on both lower and upper planes, and leading edge slats on the upper wing. Only Ark Royal, commissioned in 1938, was reasonably up to date. Vimeo and my website with the music of Back to Normandy and so much more Find out more Join me at Spotify, Vimeo and my website with the music of Back to Normandy . He is the author of The Liberation of Europe (pub 2016) and If War Should Come due later in 2020. Some Mk.IIs and many Mk.IIIs became Mk.IVs when a cockpit canopy was installed. On 23 April 1935, Fairey received a production order. All were exposed to the elements, particularly the bitter cold of North Atlantic winters and subzero temperatures on the convoys to Murmansk, Russia. A 500-mile gap in the mid-Atlantic, beyond the range of land-based aircraft, allowed the subs to operate largely unmolested. The wings were slightly swept back to correct the center of gravity position, and the fuselage was made longer. In all, 2,391 Swordfish were manufactured, with production simplified by their uncomplicated structurewings of steel spars and duralumin ribs, steel-tube fuselage and fabric covering. Amazingly, the glorious Stringbag was responsible for the destruction of a greater tonnage of Axis shipping in WWII than any other Allied aircraft. More than 2,000 Swordfish were produced as well, when what the Navy really needed was the fast monoplane dive-bombers and torpedo bombers that the American and Japanese navies already had when the Swordfish crippled the Bismarck. The notion that flimsy flying machines could sink great warships was considered absurd. Already obsolescent when the first one landed on an aircraft carrier, this ugly duckling, outliving several designs meant to replace it, was the only naval aircraft in frontline service from the first day of the European war to the last. This allowed the rest of the surface Navy to catch her and reduce her to junk. $18.99 Out of stock. Conversion kits and detail sets. I: 442 x 161: Fairey Swordfish Mk. The Fairey Swordfish was a torpedo bomber used by the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy during World War II. You can catch them in the classic Sink the Bismarckperennially on a TV channel somewhere as I write or you might see one in a museum in Somerset, Texas or Nova Scotia. One Swordfish (DK683) did slide overboard with a burst tyre and, though Sub-Lt AE White was rescued, Sub-Lt R Boakes and Leading Airman G N Jenkins were killed. Britain pioneered naval aviation. But the opportunity to develop advanced carrier-borne fighters and bombers had been irretrievably lost. I: 655 x 943: Fairey Swordfish Mk. As an occasionally embarrassed techno-dunce I always find the restoration images fascinating. If you suspect so please let us know. take-off weight 4196kg. British cryptographers, having just broken the Italian naval code, alerted Cunningham. It was designed to be a Torpedo Bomber, Scout plane, and all purpose naval bomber. Swordfish became the mythical hero of this conflict, taking part in the daring attack on the strategic Italian port city of Taranto and inflicting a decisive torpedo hit on . Armament: One fixed forward-firing Browning .303 machinegun, and one .303 Vickers K gun in the rear cockpit. The element of surprise was lost when one plane arrived early, alerting gun and searchlight crews. In September 1944, Swordfish from HMS Vindex sank four U-Boats in a single Arctic Convoy run ii. There is always a very slight chance we might have missed one or two boats in this lookup. Tagy. Fairey Swordfish. Fairey Swordfish Mk.INaval Torpedo Bomber. Although several launched their torpedoes, all were shot down before coming close enough to achieve a hit. The original was known as the TSR1 (Torpedo Spotter Reconnaissance), but was not too successful and was significantly re-designed as the TSR2 and re-engined with the Bristol Pegasus before being regarded as satisfactory. The Shark II at a minimum seems to have had a performance and payload edge over the Swordfish, as well as being metal-clad instead of fabric. Fairey Swordfish Mk.3. It was purchased by Ontario farmer Ernest V. Simmons who then sold it to the Museum on March 22, 1965. The provision for a float undercarriage was deleted, and the more powerful Pegasus 30 engine installed. 'Bring Back My Stringbag'. Type: Torpedo carrier of the Royal Navy. Fairey Swordfish torpedo carrier biplane of the Royal Navy. The prevailing view was that future battles would still be fought by ships lining up to slug it out, like at Jutland in 1916. I think Faith, Hope & Charity should be included in the above. Aeromodeller magazine's Fairey Swordfish Mk I The Fairey Swordfish was a biplane torpedo bomber designed by the Fairey Aviation Company and used by the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy during World War II. 1945? They usually flew patrols at night, patrolling between 145km and 40km ahead of the convoy. Bismarcks crew probably wondered why, in the third year of the war, the Royal Navy had only sent a handful of antique aircraft against them. Affectionately known as the Stringbag by its crews, it was outdated by 1939, but achieved some spectacular successes during the war, notably the destruction of the Regia Marina (the Italian Navy) in . Nice kit, comes with 3 full sheet plans, instruction sheets. Notice the loader in the photo and the 2 men operating hand cranks, single shot hand loaded and operated weapon aimed by a. With its rudder jammed, the great ship could only steam in circles. The Swordfish was an adept U-Boat killer. The Fairey design for the Swordfish began as a private venture to satisfy a need to replace Greek Fairey IIIF aircraft. Britains most crucial conflict, however, was in the Atlantic. It was obsolete in 1939 at the beginning of the war. Obsolete it may have been, but the Fairey Swordfish remained in front-line service throughout the Second World War, distinguishing itself as the last biplane in the world to see active service. In May 1941, Swordfishes from HMS Ark Royal crippled the Bismarck. Much more could have been made of the relationship with the Air Ministry, the Admiralty, and the Ministry of Aircraft Production to give a sense of how the firm reacted to the demands of the government users in a virtual monopsony. Indeed, in combat with superior German fighter aircraft equipped with cannon, the flimsy fabric-covered superstructure proved advantageous, as cannon . . Swordfish crippled the Italian fleet at . The aircrews then spotted a destroyer, with another sub and a depot ship moored on each side. U-64 sank in half a minute, the first sub to be destroyed by an unaided aircraft. Smith uses Fairey as an exemplary model to disprove this case. History, development, service, specifications, pictures and 3D model. It was a large, slow biplane with a low wing . By Jim Humberstone The Air Ministry had issued a specification for a carrier aircraft in 1930: a biplane with an open cockpit like its RAF contemporaries, such as the Bristol Bulldog. Sub Patrol, by R.S. The Fairey Swordfish was a medium-sized biplane torpedo bomber and reconnaissance aircraft. Its not pretty and it isnt clever. These paint-flaking Swordfish Mk IIs, built by Blackburn, were on duty in 1944. Due to ill luck, foul weather, radar failure at critical moments and poor communications, the fleet was only spotted when halfway through the Channel. The first aircraft reached service units in 1936. The heavy cruiser Pola was brought to a stop by torpedoes from Formidables Swordfish. / 94 cm ) AeroModeller. Swordfish are some of the most notoriously fast creatures in the ocean. Vittorio Veneto, hit in the stern and with one propeller smashed, almost suffered Bismarcks fate, but limped back to its harbor, leaving orders for the cruisers Zara and Fiume and two destroyers to stand by the stricken Pola. The Fairey Swordfish became a legend during the dark days of World War II. Quick and essential guide to domestic and global politics from the New Statesman's politics team. Then, at dusk, out of a rainsquall, skimming just above the waves at a leisurely pace, appeared what must have seemed phantoms from the previous war: nine Fairey Swordfish biplanes from the aircraft carrier Victorious, their crews heads leaning out of open cockpits. It set the pattern for future aircraft carriers: a flush flight deck with command superstructure island to starboard. For additional reading, he suggests: Bring Back My Stringbag: A Swordfish Pilot at War 19401945, by Lord Kilbracken; and To War in a Stringbag, by Charles Lamb. A legendary aircraft of World War II, the Fairey Swordfish wrote itself into history by sinking three Italian battleships in an attack on Taranto and playing a significant role in the sinking of the German battleship Bismarck.Originally entering service in 1936, the 'Stringbag' served with distinction until VE-Day and was the most successful Allied torpedo bomber in terms of tonnage of . He has contributed to The Times of London and other publications. Its fair to say that the record of the Fairey Swordfish is often shrouded in a strong sense of disbelief that a lumbering biplane could be so lethal to ships. History is who we are and why we are the way we are." . Diecast Aircraft Models /. This feature appeared in the March 2019 issue of Aviation History. It is a plane that has character and oozes history. To be a good torpedo bomber, you have to be able to fly low and slow, or the torpedo wil. I have been talking to the guy's at YT INTERNATIONAL. It looked antiquated, because it was, but it served until the end of the war and survived its intended replacement. ESM Fairey Swordfish. This is not a kit for a beginner. Swordfish K8407 was delivered to the packing depot at RAF Sealand, south of Liverpool on 29 December 1936. For the months to come, Swordfishes in the Atlantic region conducted mine-laying operations. From May 1943, operating from small escort carriers or merchant aircraft carriers (MACsmerchant ships with short decks built above their holds), Swordfish launched by catapult or RATO helped to close this gap. Captain Donal Scott McGarth, a former destroyer skipper, had taken over command from Captain Dickens who was injured when inspecting the ship's catapult. Suddenly illuminated by the Leigh Light, they would be attacked with bombs or depth charges. The HISTORY of The FAIREY SWORDFISH . The Fairey Swordfish TBR is an unlikely hero of World War II. Max speed 224km/h at 1525m, economic cruise speed 167km/h at 1525m. As newer, faster aircraft were developed to replace it, the . Sign up to receive information regarding NS events, subscription offers & product updates. But it was near-perfect as a torpedo bomber. The first mass-produced version was the . MAC ships were converted oil tankers or grain ships, with a flight deck but minimal maintenance facilities, and the aircraft were continuously exposed to the often appalling weather. Such a combination of business acumen and technical know-how is used to overturn Barnetts assumption that poorly educated and short-sighted British businessmen doomed the aircraft industry to flounder in the wake of their American rivals. When more advanced torpedo-bombers entered service after 1942, the Swordfish found a new lease of life in the anti-submarine role, equipped with radar and eight 60lb air-surface rocket projectiles. All rights reserved. Bismarck put up a brave fight, but eventually joined Hood on the ocean floor. It will maneuver in a vertical plane easily as straight and level, Horsley wrote. But production of the Swordfish, now built by Blackburn, was increased and the type continued to play a very important role. No combat aircraft of World War II left a greater legacy of willing work. The Swordfish Mk.II had wings with metal-skinned undersides and launching rails for eight 60lb rockets. Esmonde was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross. Ace. But it worked very well. The Swordfish was a large biplane, but because it is single-engined it tends to look deceptively small from a distance and on photographs. A flying anachronism when it entered service, the Fairey Swordfish nevertheless helped save Britain during the darkest days of World War II, https://www.historynet.com/fairey-swordfish-the-glorious-stringbag/. If the Swordfish has lived on among the many British legends of the Second World War, the man whose name the aircraft bore has not. A Fairey Swordfish Mk.III with ASV Mk.XI radar between its wheel legs, dipole arrays on its wings struts, and rocket launching rails under the wings. A chap called Phil Ramsey in England does a kit I don't know the span though.His website is www.philramseymodels.freeserve.co.uk. ISBN: 978 0 85733 362 9. As a result, the U-boats were forced to surface for battery recharging during the day, when they could at least see the attacking aircraft coming. Sheets 1 tho' 4 are all 33.1 (841mm)"x 75" (1480mm) long and sheet 5 is 33.1 (841mm" x 48" (1219mm) long. The rugged and reliable Swordfish was an ideal aircraft for carriers, especially small escort carriers, being able to operate in atrocious weather conditions that would ground more modern aircraft. One submarine underway was quickly sunk. A newsletter showcasing the finest writing from the ideas section and the NS archive, covering political ideas, philosophy, criticism and intellectual history - sent every Wednesday. Too much of Smiths account is taken up with Faireys private life and enthusiasms: for golf, sailing, hunting, fishing, and spending money. Affectionately known as the "Stringbag" by its crews, it was outdated by 1939, but achieved some spectacular successes during the war, notably the sinking of one and damaging two battleships . By: Cherry Ripe - 18th September 2011 at 09:30 It is stated as a plain and obvious fact that the FAA replaced its front-line Blackburn Sharks with the Swordfish from 1937. The technical element allows us to see its construction and here we realise how sturdy andpractical it was as a platform for launching torpedoes despite all the obvious disadvantages in the face of modern anti-aircraft weaponry and much quicker defensive aircraft. An insight into the history, development, production and role of the Second World War biplane torpedo bomber The last Swordfish squadron was No.836, which was disbanded on 21 May 1945, but the last operational mission was flown on 28 June. Originating in the 1930s, the Swordfish, nicknamed "Stringbag", was an outdated design by the start of the war in 1939, but remained in front-line service until VE Day, outliving several types intended to replace it. You cant knock that. John Godley wrote: Its hard to understand how such a decision was ever made. Fairey Swordfish MkI Plan FSP 536 Vector Type Model FF Scale Military. Fired in pairs or a salvo of all eight, one or two hits usually sufficed. Perfectly suited to the demands of warfare at sea and, in particular, service on . Fairey Swordfish Mk.I W5856. He collected about him a panoply of effective engineers and business managers, whose biographies are included at considerable length to show that Fairey did not by any means achieve success on his own. After looking at the cockpit area. The Fairey Swordfish was a torpedo bomber biplane designed by the Fairey Aviation Company and used by the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy during the Second World War. 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About the Swordfish Mk.II Affectionately known as the "Stringbag" by those who flew them, the Fairey Swordfish torpedo bomber was already outdated when WWII broke out, but nonetheless provided valuable service and achieved such notable missions as the attack on the Italian Navy at Taranto and damaging the German battleship Bismarck. What British kid of the 1960s who knew of Spitfires and Hurricanes would not want to know about the Battle of Britain and all the other aviation history that surrounds us? The precursor of the Swordfish, the Fairey PV, was designed by Marcel Lobelle as a private venture to meet an order from the Greek Navy, which wanted a torpedo-bomber and spotter-reconnaissance aircraft. Sir Richard (Dick) Fairey was one of the pioneers of the British aviation industry; his career spanned an early apprenticeship before the First World War through to the creation of the Fairey Delta 2, the jet that broke the world speed record in 1956, the year that Fairey died. Photo-etched set for Fairey Swordfish, for Frog / NOVO kit. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.. Fairey Swordfish. One of their torpedoes again fruitlessly hit the armor belt, but, as Bismarck turned hard to port, a second struck its vulnerable stern. The Swordfish is part of all that. Mark Barnes is a longstanding friend of WHO, providing features, photography and reviews. The Fairey Swordfish is one of the first British bombers and torpedo bombers in War Thunder currently. For storage on carriers, the wing folded backwards. Powered by a Bristol Pegasus IIIM3 engine, the aircraft had a top speed of 246km/h, a range of 1,700km, and a service ceiling of 5,900m. This became naturally the Swordfish Mark I, from Fairey's Hayes plant in West London. 1943Apr U-203 +, May U-89 +, U-752, Sep U-617 +. On 11 November, they became famous by the attack on Taranto, where the battleship Littorio was sunk and two others heavily damaged. But a torpedo attack required flying straight and level, leading to a most tragic, gallant and unnecessary episode. Wingspan 37in.Biplane. In a vertical bank it could turn around almost in its own length. It could detect a submarine up to five miles away and larger vessels up to 25. Despite 14,000 anti-aircraft shells being fired, only two planes were lost, with one crew surviving. Engine Diesel Amco .87cc Designer H.T Batchelor. On battleships like the HMS Lion it features floats and is launched from a catapult, though it has no payload. Swordfish pioneered the use of ASV radar to attack ships and surfaced U-boats in 1940. 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why was the fairey swordfish so successful