mindfulness scholarly articles

mindfulness scholarly articles

Background: This should include a clear statement of the study aim and research question. Analysis articles should be written in an evidence-based style, which means that authors must comment on, or discuss, the type, quality, recency and findings of primary research cited. in all outcomes (Christensen et al., 2019). 2005, Ren, Amick and Williams 1999, Williams et al. Educational Administration Quarterly 40.1: 79110. , Stress, Coping, and Depression: Testing a New Hypothesis in a Prospectively Studied General Population Sample of U.S.-Born Whites and Blacks, Embodying Inequality: A Review of Concepts, Measures, and Methods for Studying Health Consequences of Discrimination. Thus, the normative cultural characterization of the superiority of whiteness and the devaluing of non-white groups can lead to the perception of self as worthless and lower self-esteem and psychological well-being in stigmatized groups and have broad negative effects on mental health by adversely affecting identity, self-competence, and health behaviors (Kwate and Meyer 2011). A study of the 2,107 black American adults in that sample found that both the rejection of positive stereotypes and the endorsement of negative stereotypes were associated with lower levels of self-esteem (Brown, Sellers and Gomez 2002). Tell us about key referral thresholds. The primary difference between the two is that harmonious passion arises autonomously, or willfully. , Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Hypertension Prevalence: Reconsidering the Role of Chronic Stress, Hicken Margaret T., Lee Hedwig and Hing Anna K. Interpretation: This should include the main conclusions and implications. Blacks and American-born Hispanics tended to have higher prevalence of each of the individual classes of stressors, and greater clustering of multiple stressors, compared to whites. Early studies of discrimination and health found that self-report measures of discrimination were inversely associated with good mental and physical health. The study found that after adjusting for psychotic disorders, severity of disturbance, dangerousness, psychiatric history, use of restraints, time spent in ER, and other factors, compared to other patients, black patients received, on average, one additional dose of psychiatric medication, one additional anti-psychotic dose and an additional half dose of anti-psychotic medication by injection. Select the 'cc' on the video to turn on/offthe captions. , Self-Reported Experiences of Discrimination and Health: Scientific Advances, Ongoing Controversies, and Emerging Issues, Social Capital, Anticipated Ethnic Discrimination and Self-Reported Psychological Health: A Population-Based Study, Lopez William D., Kruger Daniel J., Delva Jorge, Llanes Mikel, Ledn Charo, Waller Adreanne, Harner Melanie, Martinez Ramiro, Sanders Laura, Harner Margaret and Israel Barbara One study found that African Americans who had high levels of racial identity but also scored high on internalized racism were more likely to have lower levels of mastery and higher levels of depressive symptoms (Hughes et al. As you look at these portfolios, ask yourself, Users will enjoy Ebook Central's easy-to-navigate interface and modern features. , Racial Disparities in Health among Nonpoor African Americans and Hispanics: The Role of Acute and Chronic Discrimination, Cooper Lisa A., Roter Debra L., Carson Kathryn A., Mary Catherine Beach Janice A. Sabin, Greenwald Anthony G. and Inui Thomas S. Subscribe for free. Research has also documented that discrimination is associated with a broad range of disease states (e.g., cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes) and preclinical indicators of disease (e.g., allostatic load, inflammation, shorter telomere length, BMI, incident obesity, coronary artery calcification, cortisol dysregulation, and oxidative stress) that are not assessed via self-report (Lewis, Cogburn and Williams 2015, Paradies et al. and the year. African Americans tend to have worse health than whites on virtually every indicator of physical health, but, as noted earlier, despite higher levels of stress, they have lower rates of stress-related mental health outcomes, such as major depression, than whites. What can be expected in the foreseeable future? 2016, , Stress in America: The Impact of Discrimination. Aspy, D. J., & Proeve, M. (2017). And among middle class males, white males were more than twice as likely to get an appointment than their black counterparts. It's important to note that some foods, like fruits and vegetables, also contain water. Avoid the most common mistakes and prepare your manuscript for journal editors. 2017). Year of publication of the article (in round brackets). New Sensory Immersive Room at UC Davis Simulates Real-Life Environments for Product Testing by Tiffany Dobbyn and transmitted securely. These medical reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. Connect to the world's largest business education network Learning and Events. The New Books Network is a podcast network featuring over 15,000 interviews with scholars, experts, and authors. , Perceived Discrimination and the Adjustment of African American Youths: A Five-Year Longitudinal Analysis with Contextual Moderation Effects, Brody Gene H., Yu Tianyi, Chen Edith, Miller Gregory E., Kogan Steven M. and Beach Steven RH. Our guide with examples, video, 2018). Stress in America Survey, Ando Shuntaro, Kuwabara Hitoshi, Araki Tsuyoshi, Kanehara Akiko, Tanaka Shintaro, Morishima Ryo, Kondo Shinsuke and Kasai Kiyoto. , Perceived Discrimination and Health: A Meta-Analytic Review, Pearlin Leonard I., Menaghan Elizabeth G., Lieberman Morton A. and Mullan Joseph T. 3 references The Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) also follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. After having written 18 books and over a hundred articles and book chapters and mentoring and teaching MSW and doctoral students, I am excited to assist DSW students in deepening their understanding of the field, improving their practice, and furthering the field through leadership Open Access is not only used for journal articles but is also being implemented to theses, scholarly monographs, and book chapters. Dohrenwend Barbara S. 1969. The Nandanolitization scale was an early measure of internalized racism (Taylor and Grundy 1996). Similarly, a study in a midwestern U.S. community found that immigration enforcement stressors and levels of self-rated ill health were higher for the Latino community residents who were interviewed after an immigration raid compared to those interviewed before the raid (Lopez et al. Key priorities for research include more systematic attention to stress-proliferation processes due to institutional racism, the assessment of stressful experiences linked to natural or manmade environmental crises, documenting and understanding the health effects of hostility against immigrants and people of color, cataloguing and quantifying protective resources, and enhancing our understanding of the complex association between physical and mental health. An ebook (short for electronic book), also known as an e-book or eBook, is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices. It may also refer to early Buddhism as existing until about one hundred years after the parinirvana of the Buddha until the first documented split in the sangha.. , Lifetime Risk and Persistence of Psychiatric Disorders across Ethnic Groups in the United States, Bridge Jeffrey A., Asti Lindsey, Horowitz Lisa M., Greenhouse Joel B., Fontanella Cynthia A., Sheftall Arielle H., Kelleher Kelly J. and Campo John V. The new PMC design is here! Yet the scholarly range and significance of Keanes work is far wider, spanning anthropology, history, philosophy, religious studies, social psychology and southeast Asian studies. Aussie Rules is the peoples game (Duncan, 2016), Duncan (2016) states that a sense of belonging. Discrimination must be understood and assessed within the context of other mechanisms of racism. Trial registration: Registry and number should be included for clinical trials and, if available, for other study types. An essential role of Open Access is the long-term preservation of peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles and research data. , Structural Stigma and All-Cause Mortality in Sexual Minority Populations, Heard-Garris NJ, Cale M, Camaj L, Hamati MC and Dominguez TP At the present time, we are unaware of the optimal assessment of internalized racism and of the mechanisms and processes by which this type of racism adversely affects mental health. (2019)examine For direct quotes of online material without pagination, name the sections and paragraph number: The authors' "objective was to identify control journals that did not require data posting" (Christensen et al., 2019, Broad Analysis section, para. In addition, clinicians spent less time to evaluate a black patient than a white one, and the tendency to overmedicate black patients was lower when clinicians efforts to engage the patient in treatment (e.g. 2011. Supporting and buttressing the structure of racism is an ideology that is deeply embedded in the culture of the society, that provides the rationale for the ranking of groups. What is the sequence of appropriate investigations and where are they undertaken? These Cuban hummingbirds, known on the island as zunzn or colibr, appear in "Historia fsica, poltica y natural de la isla de Cuba" edited by Spanish writer, economist, sociologist, and botanist, Ramn de la Sagra. Exercising regularly will keep your heart healthy and stress levels low. According to this research and other scholarly articles 1, the two types of passion are harmonious and obsessive. However, several studies have found that the association between discrimination and health remains robust after adjustment for personality characteristics such as hostility, neuroticism, social desirability, negative affect, and trait anxiety (Lewis, Cogburn and Williams 2015, Williams and Mohammed 2009). The study found high levels of negative racial stereotyping towards non-Whites of all ages, among adults working or volunteering with children. It takes more effort for the blood to get to the tissues and organs. Introduction. Hodder, R. K., O'Brien, K. M., Stacey, F. G., Tzelepis, F., Wyse, R. J., Bartlem, K. M., Sutherland, R., James, E. L., Barnes, C., & Wolfenden, L. (2019). This includes: Maximum length: 2,500 words (longer only by agreement with the editor), excluding title page, abstract, figures, tables and references. A national survey conducted by the American Psychological Association in January 2017 reported that two-thirds of all American adults said that they were stressed about the future of the country. The Cuban Heritage Collection Reading Room is open for in-person research Monday Friday by advance booking and seat reservation. For example, young black children (aged 08 years) were almost three times more likely as white adults to be rated as being lazy, with Native American and Hispanic children also more likely to be considered lazy than white adults. 2006. Relevant stakeholders should be included in the guideline development group. Year of publication of the article (in round brackets). For details about the review process, see Editorial process. The Heightened Vigilance scale was developed as a companion measure to the Everyday Discrimination scale and seeks to capture efforts to protect oneself from discrimination and minimize exposure (Williams et al. Importantly these experiences were patterned by race. 2015. Instead of being fully engaged in the present, youre focused on the what ifs and the if onlys that prevent you from having a life that matches those you see on social media. Accessibility The template and other instructions on submitting guidelines is available here. In contrast, there is not a consistent association between maternal incarceration and mental health and school outcomes. Editorial contact: Dr. Dorian Deshauer, associate editor (dorian.deshauer@cmaj.ca), Encounters are nonfiction narrative descriptions of health care experiences written by patients, clinicians, and other caregivers. 2013. A recent study documented that a large immigration raid at a meat-processing plant was associated with an increase in low birth weight to infants born to Hispanic, but not non-Hispanic white mothers, in that community in the year after the raid compared with infants born in the year before the raid (Novak, Geronimus and Martinez-Cardoso 2017). , Blacks Death Rate Due to Circulatory Diseases Is Positively Related to Whites Explicit Racial Bias: A Nationwide Investigation Using Project Implicit, Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin Cheers on Anti-Muslim Harassment as Reports of Attacks Mount, Lewis Ten T., Cogburn Courtney D. and Williams David R. Include details about the issue, most important concerns (strength and weaknesses), knowledge gaps, future direction, recommendations for a way forward, and more, can present a particular point of view, as long as the other side is presented as well (not necessarily equal in length), visual elements encouraged (e.g., high-resolution image with caption, table, video, etc. A U-M faculty member since 1997, in the past 10 years Keane has published more than 30 articles, reviews, interviews and book chapters, as well as two books. Yet the scholarly range and significance of Keanes work is far wider, spanning anthropology, history, philosophy, religious studies, social psychology and southeast Asian studies. Contributions are welcome in the following areas: This section provides readers with concise critical social analysis of the medical and health sciences. Novel uses for older treatments may also be considered. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, Priest Naomi, Paradies Yin, Trenerry Brigid, Truong Mandy, Karlsen Saffron and Kelly Yvonne Reconstructing compassion:Should it be taught as part of the curriculum? They can help you make the right decision. In general, it's best to avoid sugary drinks as they can contribute to weight gain. Interventions should be supported by recent guidelines, if available. Mindfulness has recently received attention across scholarly and popular discourse (King & Badham, 2018). CRICOS Provider No. We are an Open Access publisher and international conference Organizer. Pre-sectarian Buddhism may refer to the earliest Buddhism, the ideas and practices of Gautama Buddha himself. All of these factors suggest that the mental health burden will be greater for socially disadvantaged racial and ethnic populations. New Sensory Immersive Room at UC Davis Simulates Real-Life Environments for Product Testing by Tiffany Dobbyn Vitamins and minerals such as calcium and magnesium are known to reduce blood pressure. There is evidence of large and worsening mental health challenges for minority youth. These associations were robust after adjustment for race, education, public housing residence, and criminal activity. Geraghty, S., Lauva, M., & Oliver, K. (2016). , Mental Health Problems in a Community after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011: A Systematic Review, Aronson Joshua, Burgess Diana, Phelan Sean M. and Juarez Lindsay. Perspectives may be provided by anyone involved with the case, including the patient, their family members, a social worker, a caregiver, a physician, a nurse or any other health care professionals who interact with the patient. Mindfulness has recently received attention across scholarly and popular discourse (King & Badham, 2018). Work with your doctor to establish ways to reduce blood pressure and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It found a dose-response relationship between the number of experiences of discrimination with the degree of deterioration in mental health over time, as measured by a scale of psychological distress. , Effects of Self-Reported Racial Discrimination and Deprivation on Maori Health and Inequalities in New Zealand: Cross-Sectional Study, Hatzenbuehler Mark L., Bellatorre Anna, Lee Yeonjin, Finch Brian K., Muennig Peter and Fiscella Kevin If you have high blood pressure, the force of the blood pushing against the artery walls is consistently too high. Payment of a publication fee is required, and is negotiated separately with the publisher. You're Probably Better at Hydrating Than You Think, 6 Tips to Overcoming Binge Eating Disorder. All manuscripts must be submitted on ScholarOne, our online submission system. All manuscripts must be submitted on ScholarOne, our online submission system.. To submit a letter, see Submitting a Letter to the Editor.. To submit an obituary, please contact inmemoriam@cma.ca. It is a major contributor to racial differences in income, education, and employment, and the concentration of poverty, isolation, marginalization, and other social ills that tend to co-occur with segregation (Cutler and Glaeser 1997, Williams and Collins 2001). 2014. 1996, Steele 1997). Inadequate attention has been given to examining the short- and long-term mental health impact of natural or manmade environmental crises. Accepted manuscripts may be published as a synopsis in print, with complete versions appearing online. Analyses of longitudinal data also indicate that African American and Hispanic youth who experience upward socioeconomic mobility report greater increases in acute and chronic discrimination compared to their peers whose SES was stable (Colen et al. Racial Differences in Depression in the United States: How Do Subgroup Analyses Inform a Paradox? 2006. In addition, Mindfulness features papers that address issues involving the training of clinicians, institutional staff, teachers, parents, and industry personnel in mindful provision of services. 2006 ). 10 references All observational studies should seek to address a specific pre-defined research question and primary outcomes should be outlined in a protocol before study inception. As in studies of adults, most studies are cross-sectional, but there is also an emerging body of longitudinal research. 2018). The forms are available at cmaj.ca/content/forms. 2016). To facilitate the process, send a fleshed out summary of what you plan to write. All manuscripts must be submitted on ScholarOne, our online submission system.. To submit a letter, see Submitting a Letter to the Editor.. To submit an obituary, please contact inmemoriam@cma.ca. Brown, Kathleen M. 2004. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. A study led by a neuroscientist, Richard Davidson, demonstrated that mindfulness meditation produces changes in brain and immune function in a positive way. A subsequent follow-up of this same study found that high levels of social support (caregiver emotional and instrumental support and peer support) reduced the negative effect of discrimination on allostatic load (Brody et al. Future research needs to explore the extent to which these patterns are generalizable to other population subgroups and the extent to which community violence is a unique stressor in terms of its effect on mental health and behavior. PMC legacy view An ebook (short for electronic book), also known as an e-book or eBook, is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices. 4 authors, Emphasizes an area of controversy or difficulty in diagnosis, investigation or treatment of a condition, Highlights recent diagnostic and therapeutic innovations (e.g., devices, tools, rules, therapies), 1,400 words Most of the studies were longitudinal and had been published after 2011. 2008). In longitudinal studies of African American and Latino male adolescents in Chicago, this research has found that higher levels of exposure to community violence is positively associated with aggression, delinquency, and PTSD symptoms such as hyperarousal. A study led by a neuroscientist, Richard Davidson, demonstrated that mindfulness meditation produces changes in brain and immune function in a positive way. Future research must characterize this full range of risk factors and resources that may be unique to, or more prevalent among, stigmatized racial and ethnic populations and identify how they combine with each other, over the life course, to affect patterns of mental health. 3 authors 2009. 2 authors, Up-to-date guide to clinical practice based on comprehensive understanding of the existing literature (systematic review not required), 2,000 words , A Systematic Review of Studies Examining the Relationship between Reported Racism and Health and Wellbeing for Children and Young People, Priest Naomi, Slopen Natalie, Woolford Susan, Philip Jeny Tony, Singer Dianne, Kauffman Anna Daly, Moseley Kathryn, Davis Matthew, Ransome Yusuf and Williams David R. 2009. Where the year is known for the original work, include it as well as the year of the publication you read. 2017. Subsequent points move on to practical clinical guidance including relevant investigations and interventions, which may include referral thresholds. High blood pressure is a common condition that affects the body's arteries. Analysis articles are not long commentaries. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. She shows that structural conditions linked to racism lead to lower life expectancy for African Americans. We particularly encourage submission of video abstracts or clinical demonstrations on video; see examples on our YouTube channel, Editorial contact: Dr. Andreas Laupacis (andreas.laupacis@cmaj.ca). Contrary to the claim of doctrinal stability, early Buddhism was a dynamic movement. Preparation of this paper was supported in part by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01 MD009719. The writing should be candid, but must respect patient and colleague confidentiality in the clinical context. They should offer clear advice on how to apply existing evidence in clinical practice. Buddhist meditation is the practice of meditation in Buddhism.The closest words for meditation in the classical languages of Buddhism are bhvan ("mental development") and jhna/dhyna (mental training resulting in a calm and luminous mind).. Buddhists pursue meditation as part of the path toward liberation from defilements and clinging and craving (), also called awakening, which Because of climate change, many cities are likely to get warmer, heat waves are expected to last longer, increase in frequency, and be more intense (Jesdale, Morello-Frosch and Cushing 2013). "; also includes a comment on the overall quality of the evidence, include a box describing the evidence used to develop the paper: details of your search (search terms, databases, limits), brief description of the number of articles, type and quality of the literature, focus on answering five to six clinical questions, with supporting evidence, include a box with unanswered questions where evidence is lacking. Some studies have also quantified the impact of parental incarceration on racial disparities in child health and well-being (Wildeman, Goldman and Turney 2018). Connect to the world's largest business education network, Engage with peers to connect, learn, and grow, Discover benefits, eligibility, processes, and resources, Search the latest articles, reports, videos, and data trends, Share your products, programs, and services with decision-makers, Our Schools Can Be Catalysts for Innovation. Deborah Umbersons (2017) research on community bereavement illustrates the value of this approach. 1991. 2019;11(8):1866. User Friendly Experience. Although sometimes defined as "an electronic version of a printed book", some e-books exist without a printed equivalent. 2015. 2015;73(suppl 2):97-109. doi:doi.org/10.1093/nutrit/nuv038, Naser A, Rahman M, Unicomb L et al. A landmark 2003 report from the National Academy of Medicine concluded that across virtually every type of medical intervention, from the most simple to the most sophisticated, blacks and other minorities receive fewer procedures and poorer quality medical care than whites (Smedley, Stith and Nelson 2003). Nairne, D. C., & Wilkinson, H. (2018). For example, research reveals that exposure of American Indians to mascots can adversely affect a sense of self-esteem and community worth (Fryberg et al. As part of the study, 326 licensed psychotherapists in New York city received a voice mail message from a black middle-class and a white middle-class individual or from a black and white working-class person seeking an appointment. Research by Jerome Taylor and colleagues revealed that internalized racism was associated with higher consumption of alcohol and higher levels of psychological distress and depressive symptoms (Taylor and Jackson 1990, Taylor, Henderson and Jackson 1991, Taylor and Jackson 1991). 2018. , Discrimination Hurts, but Mindfulness May Help: Trait Mindfulness Moderates the Relationship between Perceived Discrimination and Depressive Symptoms, Brown Tony N., Williams David R., Jackson James S., Neighbors Harold W., Torres Myriam, Sellers Sherill L. and Brown Kendrick T. Educational Administration Quarterly 40.1: 79110. A basic reference list entry for a journal article in APA must include: Author or authors. 2016. The dominant group devalues, disempowers, and differentially allocates desirable societal opportunities and resources to racial groups categorized as inferior. , Parental Incarceration and Child Health in the United States, Williams David R., Lavizzo-Mourey Risa and Warren Rueben C. Suicide data is illustrative. It's encouraged to drink water throughout the day to stay properly hydrated. 2018 Dec; 59(4): 466485. For example, the death of a loved one is a standard indicator of stress on scales of life events, but the ways in which such exposures are driven by the larger racism in the society is not typically understood and appreciated. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses should attempt to answer a focused question and adhere to PRISMA methods. 2014. (2), 20-25.https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/sn_pubs/51/, https://libraryguides.vu.edu.au/apa-referencing, APA Referencing: journal articles (video), Basic format to reference journal articles. Important foundational reading for understanding other theorists who include social justice aspects in their scholarly contributions on educational leadership. , C. (2015). 58,73 In a quantitative trial of mindfulness art therapy targeted toward women with cancer, Monti et al. Marion et al. Articles present five key statements on topics of interest to physicians. 2015. Interventions for increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in children aged five years and under. 2013. Leadership for social justice and equity weaving a transformative framework and pedagogy. Pre-sectarian Buddhism may refer to the earliest Buddhism, the ideas and practices of Gautama Buddha himself. In addition, mindfulness activities such as meditation, yoga, and journaling can help reduce stress. However, African Americans had the highest levels of internalized racism, followed by U.S.-born Caribbean Blacks, and then foreign-born Caribbean Blacks, and the association with mental health symptoms was weakest for the foreign-born group. (Provide a measure of benefit and harm such as the number need to treat and the number needed to harm), 300 word limit; up to three authors; up to three references formatted in the Vancouver style, Figure and case pertaining to a real patient; clear, appropriately labelled, high-resolution (300 dpi or greater) images must be accompanied by a figure caption, A brief case description is followed by a concise explanation of the educational significance of the images that typically includes epidemiology, differential diagnosis, investigations, management and prognosis, We will consider clinical demonstration videos to accompany the article. For example, a monthly survey in Flint, Michigan, during the time of the recent water crisis, found that community respondents reported stress, anxiety, depression and fear within the community due to the ongoing crisis (Cuthbertson et al. 2003. Subscribe for free. How do patients typically present? 2014). Selected Scholarly Articles. by Trevor Haynes figures by Rebecca Clements I feel tremendous guilt, admitted Chamath Palihapitiya, former Vice President of User Growth at Facebook, to an audience of Stanford students. doi:10.1161/jaha.119.012007. , Effects of Racial Prejudice on the Health of Communities: A Multilevel Survival Analysis, Leitner Jordan B., Hehman Eric, Ayduk Ozlem and Mendoza-Denton Rodolfo For example, in the NSAL, among African American and Caribbean Black adults 55 years and older, positive but small associations were evident between both racial and non-racial every day discrimination and the risk of any lifetime (LT) disorder, as well as LT mood, and anxiety disorders.

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mindfulness scholarly articles