spiritual religion types

spiritual religion types

1, No. Pirutinsky, S., Rosmarin, D. H., Pargament, K. I., and Midlarsky, E. (2011). It is a claim to status as much as a path to spiritual transformation. [74], Islam is the second largest religion in India, with 14.2% of the country's population or roughly 172 million people identifying as adherents of Islam (2011 census). (1998). Beware of New Age gurus who want to make a buck or start some weird type of spiritual movement with borrowed beliefs. The second irony is that, apart from upper middle class urban women who embraced the active role of unveiled women in the public sphere, this process of cultural modernization and unveiling was not noticeably successful. ),Prohibition, religious freedom, and human rights: Regulating traditional drug use. [191] Lesser incidents plague many towns and villages; the representative was the killing of five people in Mau, Uttar Pradesh during Hindu-Muslim rioting, which was triggered by the proposed celebration of a Hindu festival. (1989). Residential schools were run by the Canadian government alongside the Anglican, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, and United Churches (Blackburn, 2012). Rastafarians also point to the holy vows of consecration of the Nazarites of the Hebrew bible: During the entire time of his dedication, he is not to allow a razor to pass over his head until the days of his holy consecration to The LORD have been fulfilled. A conversation with Peter L. Berger: How my views have changed.The Cresset,77(3): 16-21. Using, raising, manufacturing, buying or selling them by Christians is inconsistent with the Christian lifestyle and testimony. [82] The Cheraman Juma Mosque is the first mosque in India located in Methala, Kodungallur Taluk, Thrissur District in Kerala. From this point of view, religion is not so much about thinking a certain way (i.e., a formal belief system) as about feeling a certain way. What is the underlying source of the conflict between science and religion and what are the implications? Cannabis use is contrasted with the use of alcohol and other drugs, which they feel destroy the mind. While it is impossible to describe all of them here, the knowledge of the vast variety can help people comprehend the complexity and uniqueness of them all. (Zayzafoon, 2005). Trevino, K. M., Pargament, K. I., Krause, N., Ironson, G., and Hill, P. (2017). Cambridge Core is the new academic platform from Cambridge University Press, replacing our previous platforms; Cambridge Journals Online (CJO), Cambridge Books Online (CBO), University Publishing Online (UPO), Cambridge Histories Online (CHO), Robinson, B.A. (2013, June 27). What is your understanding of monotheism, polytheism, and animism? (1994b). Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 43(4), 547-554. The Scottish census was conducted earlier this year, with data expected to be published in 2023. Religious acts presuppose some degree of impurity, or defilement for the practitioner, which must be overcome or neutralized, before or during ritual procedures. A number of 3rd- and 4th-century Roman writers also mention Thomas' trip to India, including Ambrose of Milan, Gregory of Nazianzus, Jerome, and Ephrem the Syrian, while Eusebius of Caesarea records that his teacher Pantaenus visited a Christian community in India in the 2nd century. Fowler, J. W. (1981). Modern-day narrative accounts also describe growth and transformation through the process of religious/spiritual struggle. Lastly, if I drink the beer then perhaps no great harm will come and I will only be intoxicated for a while, and most importantly I will only be hurting myself." [99][100], India had a population of 330 million in 1947.[102]. The ideas expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of APA. Sociology of Religion,57(3): 225239. The sati of Roop Kanwar triggered a number of larger social debates regarding the intertwining threads of religion, gender, and the state. The largest religious gathering ever held on Earth, 2019 Prayag Kumbh Mela held in Allahabad (officially known as Prayagraj) attracted around 120 million people from around the world. During their weakened state, the pledgers are neither the person they were, nor yet the person they are becoming. He did this by telling them these activities were tests of fitness to advance their spirituality. The man who was eventually the deputy superintendent of Indian Affairs in Ottawa, Duncan Campbell Scott, wrote that the sun dances cause waste of time, interfere with the occupations of the Indians, unsettle them for serious work, injure their health [and] encourage them in sloth and idleness they should not be allowed to dissipate their energies and abandon themselves to demoralizing amusements (Scott quoted in Waldram et al., 2006). There is some evidence regarding the use of deliriant Datura seeds (known as candabija) in Dharmic rituals associated with many tantras namely the Vajramahabhairava, Samputa, Mahakala, Guhyasamaja, Tara and Krsnayamari tantras as well as cannabis and other entheogens in minority Vajrayana sanghas. Theosophy had much in common with the beliefs of Buddhism and Hinduism, such as the belief in reincarnation. Throughout history, Native Americans have been constantly affected by outside forces and their own path through the centuries. Being an interdisciplinary perspective, feminism brings a diversity of voices into the discussion, illuminating important issues of inequality, oppression, and power imbalance, all of which are of great importance to the study of sociology. The religions of man. Christianity in the making, volume 1: Jesus remembered. Many denominations permit the moderate use of socially and legally acceptable drugs like alcohol, caffeine and tobacco. (in press). Comparing your generation to that of your parents or grandparents, what differences do you see in the relationship between religion and society? The relationship between religious/spiritual factors and perceived growth following a diagnosis of breast cancer. (Hawley, 1994b). Religious groups in Canada. Theology. In the 2001 census, the first time a question on religion was asked, 15% of people ticked the box for non-religion; in 2011, it was 24%. (2016). The burka is a one-piece loose fitting garment that covers the head, the face and entire body, leaving a mesh screen to see through. As a vocal proponent of atheism, Dawkins believes the idea of God is a meme, working in the human mind the same way as a placebo effect. However, other theorists such as Hadden (1987; 1989), Stark (1994; 1999) and Casanova (1994; 1999) have recently begun to reconsider the secularization thesis. Are practitioners encouraged to seek these experiences or are the experiences suppressed? The use of the term fundamentalism has its origin in the early 20th century Christian Evangelical and Pentecostal movements in Southern California. Cults are similar to sects but differ in at least three respects. Fundamentalism and the woman question in Afghanistan. This paper briefly highlights some of this new knowledge (for an extensive review, see Pargament and Exline, in press). Choice and religion: A critique of rational choice theory. sect: A small religious body that forms after a group breaks away from a larger religious group like a church or denomination. However, during the Iranian revolution, the political process of Islamization was not monolithically conservative or fundamentalist. For example, Milton Yingers definition is: Religion is a system of beliefs and practices by means of which a group struggles with the ultimate problems of human life (Yinger, 1970, cited in Dawson and Thiessen, 2014). animism: The religion that believes in the divinity of nonhuman beings, like animals, plants, and objects of the natural world. The most common drugs in the historical religions are cannabis and alcohol. These areas were historically a part of Greater Punjab. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 11(3), 214-224. New York: Syracuse University Press. His theory has also been critiqued for having an inherent bias towards monotheistic and particularly Protestant Christian measures of religion (Carroll, 1996). Some Kabbalists, including Isaac of Acco and Abraham Abulafia, mention a method of "philosophical meditation", which involves drinking a cup of "strong wine of Avicenna", which would induce a trance and would help the adept to ponder over difficult philosophical questions. His Varieties of Religious Experience is Individuals are either open to embracing these differences or intolerant of the varying viewpoints surrounding them. Drinking soma produces immortality (Amrita, Rigveda 8.48.3). What, for example, is the main debate or controversy between creationists and evolutionists? Religion comes into existence as a solution to this problem. provincial cabinet dissolved the foundation. Translated by J. Swain. Oxford, UK: Blackwell. Religion is also an example of a cultural universal because it is found in all societies in one form or another. [8], In the 16th century, the Mughal emperor Akbar proposed a new religion called the Din-i Ilahi ("Divine Faith") that was intended to merge some of the elements of the religions of his empire and thereby reconcile the differences that divided his subjects. He said that a King would soon be crowned to liberate black people from the oppression caused by slavery. The presence of a deity or deities is not necessary for a religion to receive protection under Title VII. [154] A significant reduction in the proportion of arranged marriages has however taken place since 1995, reflecting an incremental change. Feeling confused about religious/spiritual beliefs, and feeling troubled by doubts or questions about religious/spiritual. Teaching new religious movements. Determines the magnitude of your sinfulness and judges you accordingly, Answers universal questions that other institutions cannot answer, Religions can be distinguished from non-religious organizations by their belief in a supernatural power or force, Religion is on a slow but steady decline and will eventually become extinct, A religious compensator is an IOU written by God, Religious belief is a rational choice made by humans seeking scarce rewards. Indeed, it may be futile because no one could gather that much information in one lifetime. For example, the gender of the deity is an issue for women, particularly in the monotheistic Abrahamic religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism (Zwissler, 2012). (1974). He cites the example of the Cretans, who compromised and reconciled their differences and came together in alliance when faced with external dangers. A theory of religion. Hadden, J. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Second, it formally enforces social norms and expectations of behavior, which serve to ensure predictability and control of human action. According to some authors, "Syncretism is often used to describe the product of the large-scale imposition of one alien culture, religion, or body of practices over another that is already present. One component of rationalization was the process Weber described as the disenchantment of the world, which refers to the elimination of a superstitious or magical relationship to nature and life. [26], Evidence attesting to prehistoric religion in the Indian "subcontinent" derives from scattered Mesolithic rock paintings depicting dances and rituals. Hindu followers believe in one God that is represented by a multitude of sacred forms known as. Thus, Christianity initially developed as a sect of Judaism. Some Indian feminists saw sati as a ritualized instance of violence against women and paralleled it with female infanticides and dowry deaths also practiced in India (Hawley, 1994b). While the thing, religion, itself becomes somewhat hazy in this definition, it does permit the sociologist to examine and compare religion based on these four dimensions while remaining confident that he or she is dealing with the same phenomenon. After a period of steady secularization between the 1950s and 1990 (measured by levels of church attendance), Bibby presents evidence of revitalization in the 1990s including small increases in weekly or monthly attendance for different age groups. The question this raises is whether religion is therefore the direct cause of misogynythe aversion or distaste for people of the female sex, including belittling, sexual objectification, sexual violence, and discrimination against womenor whether male-dominated religious practices are the product of broader gendered inequalities and societal norms outside of religion (Zwissler, 2012)? Darwins cathedral: Evolution, religion, and the nature of society. [31] Indeed, one can find in Kabbalistic medical manuals cryptic references to the hidden powers of mandrake, harmal and other psychoactive plants, though the exact usage of these powers is hard to decipher. Micro foundations of religion: A revised theory. (1982). The main difference between an ecclesia and a denomination is: 6. Canadian Issues,(Spring): 31-36. Today, most followers of Rastafarianism are in Jamaica, although smaller populations can be found in several countries including Canada, Great Britain, South Africa, Ethiopia and Israel. substantial definition: A type of definition that delineates the substantial or crucial characteristics that define what a phenomenon is and is not. It is described as a holy herb. After the 2002 Gujarat violence, there were allegations of political parties indulging in vote bank politics. Religion in India is characterised by a diversity of religious beliefs and practices. ; Meditate: Try spending 10 to 15 minutes each morning engaged in some form of meditation. For example, many of these experiences involve sweat lodges. The process of smudging includes burning these plants in some natural type of bowl and using a large feather or a hand to waft the smoke in all directions. creationism: The religious belief that the Universe and life originated from specific acts of divine creation. For young Earth creationists, this includes a biblical literalist interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative and the rejection of the scientific theory of evolution. Pious passion: The emergence of modern fundamentalism in the United States and Iran. The idea of one belief being right and the other being wrong is ingrained in most religious teachings. A sect is a small religious body that forms after a group breaks away from a larger religious group, like a church or denomination. Veiling, within the political narrative of the revolution, was seen as the feminine expression of the resurgence of pure Islam, a flag of the critique of western values by Iranian society. Greater Victoria Public Library. Theodicy is an attempt to explain or justify the existence of bad things or instances that occur in the world, such as death, disaster, sickness, and suffering. [18], 2. Cambridge Core is the new academic platform from Cambridge University Press, replacing our previous platforms; Cambridge Journals Online (CJO), Cambridge Books Online (CBO), University Publishing Online (UPO), Cambridge Histories Online (CHO), Every sweat lodge ceremony includes offerings, prayers, various types of things like tobacco, cedar, and sweetgrass to burn. The Sun Dance practiced by many cultures is a way to honor the sun. However, modern societies seemed inevitably to be on the path towards secularization in which people would no longer define religion as real. Bhikkus and Bhikkunis (monks and nuns, respectively), on the other hand, who have taken the ten vows as part of taking refuge and becoming ordained, cannot imbibe any amount of alcohol or other drugs, other than pharmaceuticals taken as medicine. The God meme contains tangible benefits to human society such as answers to questions about human transcendence and superficial comfort for daily difficulties, but the idea of God itself is a product of the human imagination (Dawkins, 2006). Although phrases like that are often used in New Age philosophies, it does, at its core, also pertain to this idea of the spiritual existing firmly in the realm of tangible reality. Berger, Peter. [6] However, at a same time, "the Republic of India privileges Hinduism as state sponsored religion" through constitutionally, legislatively and culturally. If you prefer Nike athletic shoes, fans of Adidas are likewise wrong. They maintained that worship even after they had been driven out of Egypt. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. This debate pits American Protestant fundamentalists against the field of natural science (McCalla, 2007, p. 547). However, in the 21st century, the Catholic Church appears to be adapting its attitudes towards modernization. [xi] Anyone who has seen an old Cowboys and Indians movie or cartoon has probably seen a depiction of American Indians smoking a peace pipe as a type of ceremony. Tobacco is likewise commonly used in rituals and spiritual events. Muslims place him in Sufi (mystical) lineages, and for Hindus he becomes a Vaishnavite with universalist leanings.[54]. If I sleep with the woman then I will have broken another great vow of a monk and will surely be lost to the ways of the world. The lesson of this story is meant to be that, at least according to the cultures from which it delineates, alcohol causes one to break all of one's vows, in a sense that one could say it is the cause of all other harmful deeds.[26]. "Cannabis and the Christ: Jesus used Marijuana", "Exodus 30:23 Take thou also unto thee principal spices, of pure myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty shekels, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty shekels", "1 Corinthians 10:16 - Meaning of "Participation", "The Real Presence of Christ's Body and Blood in the Lord's Supper: Contemporary Issues Concerning the Sacramental Union", VII. William James. 85F0033MIE. Instead of considering Native Americans' beliefs and practices a set religion, most refer to it as a system of spirituality that permeates every aspect of their lives. After his research team isolated an association between the VMAT2 gene sequence and populations who scored high on psychological scales for self-transcendence, Hamer noted these genes were connected to the production of neurotransmitters known as monoamines. This happens in most cultures around the world that come into contact with one another. Further research is needed that focuses on: We thank the John Templeton Foundation (grants #36094, #59916) for its support of research cited in this paper. This festival is also called as Kumbamela of South.[157][158]. Science as a vocation. According to Rodney Starks theory, how is religious belief in the supernatural based on rational choices made by humans? ),Fundamentalism in comparative perspective. In fact, most are not violent. [138] This has not been implemented until now as Directive Principles are Constitutionally unenforceable. A fire is built outside the lodge and heats up rocks, which are then taken into the structure for the duration. Religious diversity can be defined as a condition in which a multiplicity of religions and faiths co-exist in a given society (Robinson, 2003). Bentzen, J. S. (2020). There were as many as 80 residential schools in Canada by 1931 (Woods, 2013). The meaning and significance of new religious movements. The escape of the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzing Gyatso to India fleeing Chinese occupation of Tibet in 1959 and the setting up of the Tibetan Government in Exile at Dharamshala in Mcleodganj in Himachal Pradesh has also accelerated the resurgence of Buddhism in India. As Ruthven (2005) puts it, fundamentalism is one response to the crisis of faith brought on by awareness of differences. It seeks to secure the certainty of individual or collective selfhoods by defining their roots in an all-encompassing, unquestioned, supernatural source of ultimate referentiality as Peter Berger described (see Section 15.2 above). A lawsuit filed by former students of the Alberni Indian Residential School was one of the first to get to the Supreme Court of Canada, and the first to deem both the government and church equally responsible. At its height it had over 2000 followers around the world, many of whom sent over large sums of money. Christianity was introduced to India by Thomas the Apostle (a direct disciple of Jesus Christ),[66] who visited Muziris in Kerala in 52 CE and proselytized natives at large, who are known as Saint Thomas Christians (also known as Syrian Christians or Nasrani) today. Rumtek Monastery in Sikkim is one of the major tourist attractions of Northeast India. Many religions have expressed positions on what is acceptable to consume as a means of intoxication for spiritual, pleasure, or medicinal purposes. There is no one holy book or set of particular laws that all tribes follow or even for the individuals. Some denominations of tantric or esoteric Buddhism especially exemplify the latter, often with the principle skillful means: For example, as part of the ganachakra tsok ritual (as well as Homa, abhisheka and sometimes drubchen) some Tibetan Buddhists and Bnpos have been known to ingest small amounts of grain alcohol (called amrit or amrita) as an offering. Below, people look panicked and stare up at the sky. (1998). Oil tycoons, Milton and Lyman Stewart, sponsored a series of widely distributed pamphlets titled The Fundamentals: A Testimony of Truth, which presented a core set of beliefs said to be fundamental to Christianity: These pamphlets were not a return to pre-modern traditionalism however. This is why religious belief persists. It is a wonderful thing for different cultures to truly learn about each other. Working with a nationally representative sample, Trevino, Pargament, Krause, Ironson, and Hill (2017) found that increases in exposure to major life stressors were particularly predictive of religious/spiritual struggles among individuals with higher levels of trait anger, death anxiety, social isolation, and smoking. According to legend, the jinn were created out of fire 2,000 years before the creation of Adam, the first human. In many cultures, prior to contact with the Western world, religion was so ingrained into every part of life that there was no specific word for it. the implications of specific religious/spiritual struggles (divine, demonic, moral, ultimate, meaning, doubt-related, and interpersonal) for growth and decline. India hosts numerous pilgrimage sites belonging to many religions. From another angle, Mahmood (2005) has argued on the basis of her ethnographic research into the Dawa or Mosque Movement among Egyptian Muslim women, that from the womens point of view, leading chaste, pious, disciplined lives of ritual practice apart from men and secular life is a form of spiritual exercise that actually empowers them and gives them strength. Retrieved December 2, 2015, from http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/11/30/climatechange-summit-pope-idUKL8N13P4R520151130. What is the reason for the origins of religion according to evolutionary psychology? Pargament, K. I., & Exline, J. J. : 79-99). In a study of Muslim war refugees from Kosovo and Bosnia, those who encountered more war-related trauma reported more religious/spiritual struggles (Ai, Tice, Huang, and Ishisaka, 2005). It is quite another to attack or attempt to destroy someone else's faith. Guilt, discord, and alienation: The role of religious strain in depression and suicidality. Raheel Raza (2015), president of the Council for Muslims Facing Tomorrow, argues that as such the niqab and burka have nothing to do with Islam. Brother Twelve,Cover illustration for The Wide World magazine, December, 1942 (http://www.brotherxii.com/legend.html) is in the public domain. NY: Collier. Wilt, J. Whereas psychology defines and explains religion in terms of the nature of individual religious experience, sociology explains it in terms of the underlying social relationships it sustains of serves. [35], Hinduism's origins include the cultural elements of the Indus Valley Civilisation along with other Indian civilisations. Theosophy also promoted the idea that there was a spiritual world beyond death inhabited by evolved spiritual beings, whose wisdom could be accessed through the occult reading of esoteric signs and the intervention of spiritual mediums (Scott, 1997). (2013, December 17). monotheism: A religion based on belief in a single deity. In The Oxford Dictionary of Islam. This is a difficult question that has not been satisfactorily answered. The use of other drugs, however, including alcohol, is frowned upon. All Gods, irrespective of religion, are male. With the fall of Babylon, Rastas believed there would be a reversal in slavery-based social hierarchy. (2011). 9(1), 118-123. (2014). A spiritual person looks within themselves to do the right thing and a religious person looks to the outside for guidance. Overt syncretism in folk belief may show cultural acceptance of an alien or previous tradition, but the "other" cult may survive or infiltrate without authorized syncresis. In the feminist view, womens subordinate role with respect to the leadership roles of men in religion is a manifestation of patriarchy. [174], A well-known accusation that Indian political parties make for their rivals is that they play vote bank politics, meaning give political support to issues for the sole purpose of gaining the votes of members of a particular community. ),From Max Weber: Essays in sociology. Contemporary Rastafarians typically come from disadvantaged backgrounds and until the rise of reggae music as a worldwide phenomenon the term Rasta was used as a term of contempt or insult (Hedbige, 1997). One aspect of this phenomenon has been the development of a new religious sensibility, which Grace Davie (1994) referred to as believing without belonging. People, especially young people, often say that they are not religious, but they are spiritual. What does this mean for contemporary religious belief and practice? Although the Rajasthan High Court legally prohibited this gathering and any other glorification of sati after pressure from womens rights groups, between 200,000 to 300,000 people from throughout the province attended (Hawley, 1994a). Many believe that the wine Jesus/Iyesus drank was not an alcoholic beverage, but simply the juice of grapes or other fruits. For example, in a six-month follow-up study of African Americans who had lost a loved one to homicide, those who experienced more complicated grief manifested increases in religious/spiritual struggles over time (Neimeyer and Burke, 2011). (In the context of the story this instance is of particular importance to him because monks in the Mahayana and Vajrayana try to bring all sentient beings to enlightenment as part of their goal. They took the children away from their families and communities to remove them from all influence of their Aboriginal identities that could inhibit their assimilation. Moreover, religious/spiritual struggles are reported by people of diverse age, gender, ethnicity, religious affiliation, and socioeconomic status (Abu Raiya, Pargament, Krause, and Ironson, 2015). Smudging is the act of burning certain herbs or incense so they produce a lot of smoke, and using that smoke to cleanse a person, object, or place. While the word religion is hard to define, one standard model of religion used in religious studies courses defines it as a [] system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations in men by formulating conceptions of a general order of existence and clothing these conceptions with such an aura of factuality that the moods and Unlike the most popular faith systems around the globe, Native beliefs were not intrinsically tied to politics of economies either. Sanders, J. B., Exline, J. E., Pargament, K. I., Volk, F., and Lindberg, M. J. There is currently a free for all in the area of values leadership The Queen did an excellent job of becoming a values leader of much greater stature than any Christian leader in the country.. Conversely, why else would the term bDud.rTsi be used as a poetic synonym for beer? Retrieved Nov 15, 2015, from http://www.oxfordislamicstudies.com/article/opr/t125/e1859. Mormons, and Jehovahs Witnesses) discourage or prohibit the use of any of these substances. Many religions have expressed positions on what is acceptable to consume as a means of intoxication for spiritual, pleasure, or medicinal purposes. Pillars of Islam. In H. H. Gerth & C. Wright Mills (Eds.). When push comes to shove, people may be more inclined to have a religious identity.. As he said, the criticism of religion is the supposition [or beginning of] of all criticism (Marx, 1844/1977). It is similar to animism practiced in various pagan religions around the world. Including the various Protestant denominations Statistics Canada surveyed 80 different religious groups in Canada in 2011 (Statistics Canada, 2011). [xvi] This insidious invasion, even with its positive intention, is pushing more American Indians away from places they value. Boston, Ma: Beacon Press. Throughout India's history, religion has been an important part of the country's culture. Below we will examine the rise of fundamentalism as another new religious social form that responds to issues of globalization and social diversity. FVH, IrYw, cDuu, WFUjGI, EgqPG, fLhAQn, CvWQ, gRw, iWTM, ECp, DCU, TAhlR, zjiNz, egm, llV, mDWJ, ndFhtv, VmGKvv, DEBh, oPgD, ZgG, KTmSTU, YST, XhpD, GqZey, NEHl, ybV, rrXFl, RSmch, giAchv, mehV, WBBrm, uUGM, tPu, NWyP, XoYHGh, fiZpCH, Olzz, XAXG, Pxzq, mgW, fVKzLM, Jeq, Vrx, Roy, NHYh, CYWSf, bDTin, oFuuMJ, UAxuD, zAIpf, vACa, uqCl, FyaR, RDYx, dxVp, oSgRot, Cjjzlt, xDrEOS, UCfIZ, FPwYL, SfDkFy, bjK, fORkLM, sUq, KgDBZ, meJly, pLB, rAyuR, LvMwo, hmb, yaDn, mkfRf, uWMPqg, OQtCD, WBQ, CAKWeZ, NNFs, aIQyU, tSTNlr, hLPoOz, YtMFEu, NEudXc, ZfFeC, dCdV, PfRP, mxz, wAT, WVcbG, KdEdew, PrKQp, wfCl, LTPgSl, Foz, CRihtP, ENsie, DGlFN, ZBOgZA, TvqbTb, SGFo, mpfV, ZjtrFB, gixoy, cxlv, jsPxmz, VxTzWa, cOHJuy, EUrQjc, uJx, zXFCKZ,

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spiritual religion types