quantitative data examples in education

quantitative data examples in education

Education research often relies on the quantitative methodology. In a school setting, qualitative data may include: Examples of quantitative data are scores on achievement tests,number of hours of study, or weight of a subject. Quantitative research in this context is designed to improve our understanding of the science system's workings, structural dependencies and dynamics. Emerald Publishing Limited. The following are examples of qualitative research methods: 1. flashcard sets, {{courseNav.course.topics.length}} chapters | Feedback from a teacher about a student's progress. . So, this data is qualitative. Is there such thing as qualitative social science? 1999). However, the observation method of data has its own limitations that include; high likelihood of conflict among researchers, might contravene ethical principles, largely depends on the researchers role, and can be too subjective due to observe influence. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Qualitative data is not numerical, but categorical. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. For example, suppose we wish to know the average number of fish caught by fishermen in a local lake. - Definition & Examples, Using Qualitative & Quantitative Geographic Data, Interpreting Quantitative & Qualitative Business Data, Phenol Coefficient Test: Definition & Uses, Using Ecological Microbiology in Terrestrial Environments, Using Ecological Microbiology in Aquatic Environments, Biological Insecticides: Definition, Uses & Examples, Magnesium Hydroxide: Formula, Uses & Side Effects, What Is an NSAID? We can precisely measure the time the calculation takes not only to the second, but to fractions of a second. As quantitative research is highly objective, it is characterized by a reliance on a deductive research strategy. It also provides methods to design and implement new or revised work processes or subsystems in healthcare organizations. When you use qualitative data, you can investigate particular areas of concern for your organization and formulate action plans as needed. Let us look now at a few examples of qualitative data, so that we may more clearly see the difference in qualitative vs quantitative research examples. This activity will help you to solidify your understanding of the two types of data used in research. Is there a strong core in qualitative research? Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. However, the external validity of this study is under threat as a result of external factors such as the validity of the sample population, environmental validity, and time validity. It allows creativity to be a driving force. Quantitative data is a bit like a countable noun. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons Very useful.Qualitative Research provides a much more flexible approach. In terms of data collection, the approach is observational as the design is not interested in finding out cause and effect (Anyan, 2013). Below are some of the trending examples of quantitative research topics in education. For example, suppose I were to ask you your height, age, grade point average, or the the amount of time you study each day, I would be asking you to identify a numerical or countable value or variable. Some examples of quantitative data include: Revenue in dollars Weight in kilograms Age in months or years Length in centimeters Distance in kilometers Height in feet or inches Number of weeks in a year 3. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. According to the study findings, academic success has a positive association with achievement motivation and intellectual ability (Busato et al. The painting is 14 inches wide and 12 inches long. Quantitative research produces objective data that can be clearly communicated through statistics and numbers. Available from: Springer Nature. Some of the ethical considerations that were included in the sampling procedure include; honesty and transparency in sampling, the anonymity of participants, protection of privacy, respect of dignity, and voluntary participation (Sieber & Tolich, 2013). Quantitative research in this context is designed to improve our understanding of the science system's workings, structural dependencies and dynamics. Macdonald, S. (2017). It allows you to gain a richer understanding of how students are learning by asking open-ended questionsand listening carefully to their answers. 's' : ''}}. academic success in higher education and different factors such as achievement motivation, personality, learning style, and intellectual ability. Months of the year can be written as numbers; however, months would be considered qualitative data. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Create your account. 1999). The following are common types of quantitative data. Incorrect email. For the case of personality, the researcher found out that there was some positive association between academic success and personality factors like openness to experience, neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and extraversion (Busato et al. Quantitative Article Critique: Intellectual Ability, Learning Style, Personality, Achievement Motivation and Academic Success of Psychology Students in Higher Education, This papers purpose is to evaluate the quantitative research methods presented in the quantitative research. In discrete data, there are no intermediary values between two values. Time is quantitative data, as illustrated in this histogram. Given that, the authors should review this article by appending the data collection and research design sections for comprehensiveness. It can capture much richer data and more subtle phenomena than quantitative methods. An interviewer would ask pre-defined questions through a questionnaire to respondents. Who are the founders of qualitative research? So, even though this data set is constructed of numbers, it is qualitative. For example, a door-to-door census is an example of a survey. Here are a few examples of data which is quantitative. But, like many research methods . In other words, it makes sense to do math with them. What is the benefit of qualitative assays? Feedback from a teacher about a students progress. Well write your essay from scratch and per instructions: even better than this sample, 100% unique, and yours only. It concerns subjective characteristics and opinions things that cannot be expressed as a number. The zip codes of a store's customer list. Need a Turnitin-safe paper onthistopic? Colors e.g. the color of the sea. There are many situations in which quantitative data is much more meaningful and useful than qualitative data. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The importance of quantitative research is that it helps in objective and reliable collection of data that is discussed in a logical, analytical and comprehensive manner and highlights key findings. Here, the responses will be words such as "Vanilla," "Chocolate," "Strawberry," and so on. Simply put, it's information about an object or subject that you can see or feel. What is the importance of quantitative in education? Measuring the systolic blood pressure of men aged 40-59. I feel like its a lifeline. Quantitative Data can be divided into two types, namely; Discrete & Continuous Data. What Are the Advantages of Qualitative Research? So, what is the difference between qualitative data and quantitative data? If I am gathering data about activity at an intersection in my town, I might count the number of cars that pass through the intersection in five minutes (discrete data), or I might measure the amount of time that it takes for ten cars to pass through the intersection (continuous data). If unsure whether data is quantitative, just consider: "Can we take an average in this data set?" Quatitative data are anything that can be expressed as a number, orquantified. Our mathematical reasoning skills are applied to both kinds of data, though they may be tested a little more severely with quantitative data. aromatic, buttery, camphoric and etc. 4 What are examples of quantitative data in education? Quantitative data is the only type of data which can have units of measurement. Lengths of time, as well as physical lengths and distances, such as the height of people, weight of objects, or the lengths of stems on flowers, are all continuous data, because we are not limited to using only the integers. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1558689816668690. | 60 Comparison of quantitative and qualitative research traditions: Epistemological, theoretical, and methodological differences. In other words, the observed effects of research variables are real. Generally speaking, quantitative analysis involves looking at the hard data, the actual numbers. (1999). Discrete quantitative data takes on fixed numerical values and cannot be broken down further. Here are some example of quantitative data: A jug of milk holds one gallon. no strong conclusions could be made. Students may inadvertently associate positive correlations with preferred outcomes and negative correlations as bad news. Amount of money, pulse rate, weight, number of people living in your town, and number of students who take statistics are examples of quantitative data. Very useful. If useful insights are not being captured researchers can quickly adapt questions, change the setting or any other variable to improve responses. Research can help teachers to understand what works and why, what the short and long-term implications are, provide a justification and rationale for decisions and actions, help to build a repertoire to help deal with the unexpected, identify problems, inform improvement and so forth. The generalization of the study also affects the external validity of this research. Do you think a research project can require both qualitative and quantitative data? A transcript from a focus group with parents. Qualitative analysis allows for a detailed examination of the thoughts, feelings, opinions and/or experiences of individuals, groups or communities. The researchers applied the convenience sampling procedure when coming up with the sample population for use in the study. In this study, the internal validity is based on the fact that only data on independent variables in the study was collected and used in the analysis. What are examples of quantitative data in education? Internal validity of quantitative research is when extraneous factors do not cause observed effects in both dependent and independent variables. As a result, it is easy to come up with accurate conclusions that answer the research question. There is a strong core in qualitative research, and leading researchers tend to agree on what it is and how it is done. However, due to the way blood pressure is measured, typically this data is reported in integers and can be treated as discrete. The Effects of Engineering Design-Based Instruction on 7th Grade Students' Nature of Engineering Views. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. However, the observation method of data has its own limitations that include; high likelihood of conflict among researchers, might contravene ethical principles, largely depends on the researchers role, and can be too subjective due to observe influence. Education is also essential to the success of every one of the 17 sustainable development goals. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Intellectual Ability, Learning Style, Personality, Achievement Motivation and Academic Success of Psychology Students in Higher Education. A more practical example is a case whereby a teacher gives the whole class an essay that was assessed by giving comments on spelling, grammar, and punctuation rather than score. A survey collects data through the interrogation of individuals. Qualitative data describes, while quantitative data is expressed using numbers. Besides, previously obtained data can be used for the purposes of conducting qualitative research. The researchers designed this study in a systematic manner were each independent variable is measured against the dependent variable and analyzed using the most appropriate methods such as questionnaires, inventories, and ability tests. What are examples of qualitative data in education? Examples of quantitative data are scores on achievement tests,number of hours of study, or weight of a subject. (1999) published in Personality and Individual Differences. The purpose of quantitative research is to attain greater knowledge and understanding of the social world. The ethical principles that were considered in this study include; informed consent, respect for dignity, and protection of privacy. This question is commonly asked by many statistics students. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The responses here will be "M" or "F", and no math can be done. In addition, questionnaires can make possible to collect data from a large sample population like the in this study within the shortest time possible and at a lower cost. Quantitative research is a method used in generating reliable and accurate outcome data by analyzing and measuring them. Administering quantitative instruments with qualitative interviews: A mixed research approach. Could we take an average? A poll of a freshman class' favorite flavors of ice cream. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Quantitative data is important, because it is with this data that we can study the measures of central tendency and spread, essential to inferential statistics. If I want to know how people feel about my new restaurant, I can ask them to rank the restaurant on a scale of 1 to 5 (quantitative data) or to choose a word that best describes the restaurant (qualitative). The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Discrete quantitative data can best be described by data which can be counted. Sieber, J. E., & Tolich, M. B. This approach provides a comprehensive, conceptually unified, and well-written introduction to the exciting but complex field of educational research. In concluding this article critique, each section of the article by Busato et al. Qualitative data simply assigns data points into various categories, and we are unable to do any traditional mathematics with the individual data values. Quantitative methods allow you to systematically measure variables and test hypotheses. Generally speaking, qualitative research explores what people think, feel and do while quantitative gives a measure of how many people think, feel or behave in a certain way. The major difference between qualitative data and quantitative data is the quantitative data is numerical, and qualitative data is not. Indeed, there are many definitions of qualitative research, but if we look for a definition that addresses its distinctive feature of being qualitative, the literature across the broad field of social science is meager. Can you think of other types of data that use numbers but are not quantitative? Highly practical, each chapter Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. What is the main difference between quantitative and qualitative data? For this study, questionnaires are only used in two of the variables under study. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Why is qualitative research important for academic research? This book is designed to help Education students gain confidence in analysing and interpreting quantitative data and using appropriate statistical tests, by exploring, in plain language . 7 Which of the following are examples of qualitative data in education? 3 What are examples of qualitative data in education? Moreover, the study did not detect any positive association between academic success and learning style. article Intellectual Ability, Learning Style, Personality, Achievement Motivation and Academic Success of Psychology Students in Higher Education by Busato et al. 6 What is the benefit of qualitative assays? Quantitative data is useful for measuring things like "how often something happens", or "how much of something there is". The systolic blood pressures of males aged 40-59. One New York Plaza, Suite 4600, New York, NY 10004. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. On the other hand, external validity is when the extraneous factors beyond the current study influence research findings. Moreover, it was easy to find first-year students doing a similar course in one location. Please check it and try again. It can provide insights that are specific to an industry. (1999) published in Personality and Individual Differences. Quantitative research allows you to generalize the results from a sample group to an entire group of people. Data from quantitative researchsuch as market size, demographics, and user preferencesprovides important information for business decisions. - Use, Side Effects & Example, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community, Can use mean or median as measure of central tendency, Can only use the mode as a measure of central tendency, Can use standard deviation. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". On the other hand, external validity is when the extraneous factors beyond the current study influence research findings. All educational (and other) research falls into two broad methodological categories: qualitative and quantitative (Lincoln & Denzin, 1994; Charles, 1998; Merriam, 1998; Holliday, 2001). Since weight is a physical quality which can be measured to any degree of precision, this data is continuous. Qualitative research, rather than quantitative, can enable a researcher to discuss a subject in much deeper detail, because time is saved by not gathering data and performing calculations. Qualitative research allows you to ask questions that cannot be easily put into numbers to understand human experience. We could study the fishermen's activities during the fishing season, and collect their counts of fish. If this study simply classified the systolic blood pressures as "high," "normal," or "low," we would be unable to meaningfully discuss how much higher one particular value is than another, leading to a great misunderstanding of the data. Generally speaking, quantitative analysis involves looking at the hard data, the actual numbers. Easy to generalize results of the study across the study population, Challenge to access relevant secondary data, Relatively straightforward to apply to research, Potentially difficult interpreting contextual basis of study phenomena, Collected data is highly objective, reliable, precise and consistent, A risk that collected data may be insufficient to explain highly complex phenomena, The researchers applied the convenience sampling procedure when coming up with the sample population for use in the study. The research avails relevant descriptive data regarding location or population, permitting people to gain key features of study's object. I just used it to explain better why qualitative research best suits my academic research topic. When a survey is used to collect information, it is often seen in examples of quantitative research. If we want to study these things, qualitative data must be embraced. Understand the definitions of qualitative data and quantitative data, explore the differences between qualitative and quantitative data, and see examples of both in research and statistics. They both refer to things that can be counted, even if it seems like it'd take a lifetime to measure. In this study, the internal validity is based on the fact that only data on independent variables in the study was collected and used in the analysis. In this case, it was more convenient to select first-year psychology students during the mandatory Testweek at the University as the population was readily available. It relies on concrete numbers and fewer variables. Quantitative data is a type of data that deals with numbers and quantities. Causal empiricism in quantitative research. We have segregated the list according to subjects for better understanding. What are examples of quantitative data in education? The researchers decided to go for a homogeneous sample that is easy to define. Table 1: Strengths and Limitations of the correlational research approach, It is not easy to establish cause and effect relationships. Here are a few examples of qualitative data. Be careful! In addition, questionnaires can make possible to collect data from a large sample population like the in this study within the shortest time possible and at a lower cost. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Types of common quantitative data in schools might include: Student assessment scores and other student outcomes (for example reports found on Scout) Aggregates of responses from surveys (for example Tell Them From Me) Financial or Human Resources (HR) information What are the benefits of quantitative analysis? They are suitable for collecting data from a large sample within a short period of time. First, we will discuss the definition of quantitative data. Select from the list of quantitative research topics, or get inspired and develop new quantitative project ideas. 10 Is there such thing as qualitative social science? For this study, questionnaires are only used in two of the variables under study. The papers are not supposed to be submitted for academic credit. In the article under review, the authors try to find out how academic success in higher education can be predicted by an integration of factors such as achievement motivation, personality, learning style, and intellectual ability. The generalization of the study also affects the external validity of this, The researchers designed this study in a systematic manner were each independent variable is measured against the dependent variable and analyzed using the most appropriate methods such as questionnaires, inventories, and ability tests. When doing any kind of research, time is key. In each case, the data we are dealing with are measurements which are numerical in nature. We can discuss the mean systolic blood pressure of males between the ages of 40 and 59, so that data is quantitative. "Research that relies on verbal data is called qualitative research, while research that relies on numerical data is called quantitative research [emphasis . 2 Why qualitative and quantitative are important? The main shortcoming with this type of sampling procedure is that it the sample is not representative enough to enable researchers make scientific generalizations. The purpose of quantitative research is to generate knowledge and create understanding about the social world. Quantitative Approach Used by the Researchers, Evaluation of Overall Strengths and Limitations of Quantitative Research, Evaluation of Internal Validity and External Validity, Challenges that forensic psychologists experience, Effectiveness of and importance of the Graduated licensing, Arguing for the revamping of the Juvenile Justice, How does Hirschs social control theory fit Durkheims, Demonstrating effective communication concerning athletic performance, The effect of obesity on adolescent development, Effects and factors of drug use in adolescents, The learning theory: application to John Wayne Gacy, Influence of Mass Media on Teenage Sexuality, Motivation of Peer Tutors as a Critical Aspect. Lisa has taught at all levels from kindergarten to college and has a master's degree in human relations. Statistics can be qualitative or quantitative. Create an account to start this course today. Why do you think that qualitative data is also called categorical data? Your favorite holiday destination such as Hawaii, New Zealand and etc. Besides, previously obtained data can be used for the purposes of conducting qualitative research. Springer. The new baby weighs six pounds and five . Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. While 24 students were taught with engineering design-based instruction (EDBI) in the experimental group, 17 students were taught with curriculum . In terms of data collection, the approach is observational as the design is not interested in finding out cause and effect (Anyan, 2013). Examples of quantitative data are scores on achievement tests,number of hours of study, or weight of a subject. Generally, qualitative analysis is used by market researchers and statisticians to understand behaviors. Types of Quantitative Data with Examples The most common types of quantitative data are as below: Counter: Count equated with entities. 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Quantitative Data Examples. Examples of quantitative data are scores on achievement tests,number of hours of study, or weight of a subject. Some of the advantages associated with this sampling procedure are ease of data collection from selected elements and lower costs when it comes to locating sample population elements. 673 lessons Nonetheless, it significantly helps in increasing our understanding the relationship between integration of factors such as achievement motivation, personality, learning style, and intellectual ability. (2016). However, the method does not guarantee accurate responses. It's easy to demonstrate how useful it can be. first-year psychology students during the mandatory Testweek at the University as the population was readily available. It allows you to ask Why and How rather than just what, when or how much. copyright 2003-2022 Study.com. You should consider a few questions when planning a survey or . In order to explore these relationships, the researchers conduct correlation analysis of 409 first-year psychology students. Quantitative research in education provides numerical data that can prove or disprove a theory, and administrators can easily share the number-based results with other schools and districts. (2013). If an average can be taken, and it makes mathematical sense, then the data is quantitative. Statistical data can be classified into two categories: To understand the difference between qualitative vs quantitative data, we will provide their definitions and some examples here. Can find the mean, standard deviation, variance, or proportions - essential for inferential statistics. (1999) has been critically analyzed to determine its strengths and limitations. It is not possible to catch 2.5 fish. The easiest qualitative data sets to recognize are those whose elements are words, and not numbers. XYZ Ltd. decided to run the project to improve the literacy rate in the village. The main shortcoming with this type of sampling procedure is that it the sample is not representative enough to enable researchers make scientific generalizations. Anyan, F. (2013). Since weight is a physical quality which can be. Moreover, quantitative data results were supported by analyzing change on students' NOE views qualitatively. Personality and Individual Differences, 29 (2000), 1057-1068. 2022 Grademiners.com. flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? It is a process that is always open-ended. Can find the median, percentiles, and quartile ranks - essential for the five-number summary. 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quantitative data examples in education